Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

Yeah. I have pH kit. The liquid tester kit. With. pH up and down from general hydroponics.The mix im using has a very small npk charge. 06.008.06. It also has myco biology. Very similar to promix hp. And i have Advanced Nutrients pH perfect sensi grow a+b, and sensi bloom a+b. I watered with ro water, my run off was 6.0 pH. Im pretty sure its mixed pretty much same as promix, amended. I was told to pH down my water to 5.3the first few waterings. Then should be able to keep at 5.8... i do appreciate any advice and info.., sorry though. Kind of thread hijacked @Ribbzzy.
Fine mate, no worries.
So Heisenberg special only has her cotyldons. Or however you spell that word. No leaves with ridges. Or atleast i can't see them yet


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One of sour crack started to stretch. I brought my light down to about 23inches from top of pots. My temps are still pretty much 79°. Still a little concerned over Heisenberg. She hasn't made her first real leaves yet. Should I germ another??
One of sour crack started to stretch. I brought my light down to about 23inches from top of pots. My temps are still pretty much 79°. Still a little concerned over Heisenberg. She hasn't made her first real leaves yet. Should I germ another??
She might just be slow, she's got her head above ground. Id wait a couple of days. Keep your eye on temps, 23 inches is close for a seedling
I thought so to. But was getting alot of stretch from Sour Crack in 1.7gallon pot. My temps at 79°. And rh is around 50%. Adding pic... with temps under control you think 2feet is too close?? @Ribbzzy


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23 inches, thats near 60cms, that sounds about right, just temps, id keep an eye on em. Id be ready to drop the light in the next week or so though. MH can get close to the plants. And RE the little lady, dont worry man! Seeing that photo, you''ve got nothing to worry about, she's not too stretched, thats just the seedling setting herself. Have you watched a Dutch Passion grow on youtube? They have timelapse vids. seed to bud, you'll be surprised how far the first set of leave's rise up. You could always add a dusting of topsoil
23 inches, thats near 60cms, that sounds about right, just temps, id keep an eye on em. Id be ready to drop the light in the next week or so though. MH can get close to the plants. And RE the little lady, dont worry man! Seeing that photo, you''ve got nothing to worry about, she's not too stretched, thats just the seedling setting herself. Have you watched a Dutch Passion grow on youtube? They have timelapse vids. seed to bud, you'll be surprised how far the first set of leave's rise up. You could always add a dusting of topsoil
They seem to be enjoying the light closer. And temps are staying at 78-79. Before i planted i tested how close i could get lights above pots before temps went too high. And was still under 80° at 12-14 inches. So i was thinking that in next couple days start to lower a little bit at a time. And it seems you were right @Ribbzzy . The Heisenberg that only put out cotyldons at first is now starting to grow her actual leaves.. glad i didn't pull her...
Day 3. Sour Crack 1-2. Both seem to be spreading there little leaves nicely. And the Heisenberg special seems to finally have her first actual leaves growing. Came out with only cotyldons. But now can see the tips of two leaves starting to grow out of center. So she may be a little behind her s.c sisters. But hoping she will pull through... did some rearranging of the fans. And went out and bought another little fan. Managed to get my temps down to about 77°. will post more pics in a few days.
Anybody have any experience with this stuff. Kangaroots from fox farm. Guy at my local htg supply swore by it. And gave me a quart bottle of stuff. Mycorrhizae, plus small npk .80 .10 .03.
Anybody have any experience with this stuff. Kangaroots from fox farm. Guy at my local htg supply swore by it. And gave me a quart bottle of stuff. Mycorrhizae, plus small npk .80 .10 .03.View attachment 710528View attachment 710528 View attachment 710529View attachment 710528 View attachment 710529
Not sure about it. Only information ive found online was dude doing a tomato grow comparison with this stuff and h20. And man the plant with the kangaroots looked horrible next to plain water tomato. And haven't read or heard about anyone using. So kinda sketched on using it...