Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

Day 5. Sour Crack in 5.5 gallon oxypot.
And day 5 for this little lady. Heisenberg special. In 5 gallon phat sack fabric pot. I think her seed casing got caught up on a piece of perlite while being shed from seedling, and caused damage to first set of leaves. And could only see the cotyldons. But after 5 days she seems to be pulling through. New growth looks good.
Ive got lights at about 17-19 inches. Temps at 77-79°. Rh around 50%. Next watering im going to use a very light dose of sensi grow a+b. Very light. Like 1/10th strength. Since medium is pretty much void of fertilizer. That should be day 7. Unless they need watered sooner.
Looking good ! Best wishes on a successful grow and harvest. Long live Mephisto !
I trust you don't mind if I follow along....
Looking good ! Best wishes on a successful grow and harvest. Long live Mephisto !
I trust you don't mind if I follow along....
@Tetra9 Hey now. Thank you. Please feel free to follow along. And chime in with whatever and whenever you feel. Im a pretty much newbie. Long time researcher of these forums. Lol. So always looking for wisdom... im a single parent. So took awhile to save up and put together a decent beginning grow. Im living the dream as they say though. Im hooked already and they are just babies. I plan to keep this journal active. Documented well, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
.there is always a runt at the start, but don't be surprised if it actually picks up and overtakes the sisters.
Careful with fertilizing the seedlings. Better option could be a small dosage of RootJuice in the water or other root supplement.
There is not much growth going on up but the roots are growing really fast at this age.
Never heard of the one mentioned.

A 4 strain grow. Second try.