Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

.there is always a runt at the start, but don't be surprised if it actually picks up and overtakes the sisters.
Careful with fertilizing the seedlings. Better option could be a small dosage of RootJuice in the water or other root supplement.
There is not much growth going on up but the roots are growing really fast at this age.
Never heard of the one mentioned.

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
Yeah i have a root drench. I just can't find any reviews of people using on mj. And the review i did see with a tomato, using h20 vs the kangaroots, well the kangaroots plant looked bad!!!. Guy at store said it was comparable to voodoo juice. But I've decided not to try and feed till day 10 atleast. The soil less medium im using has Mycorrhizae so root zone should be getting what it needs. Not gonna use the fox farm kangaroots... my main concern at this point is not burning them up with light. Ive got light around 18inches from plants now. Temps staying between 76-79ish. Can get to 12inches from pots at that temp range. They seem good with distance now. Not getting anymore stretch. The metal halide sure runs hot though. I have tested both bulbs, hps and mh. The mh runs about 4 degrees warmer than hps. Ive thought about using just hps. But have read over and over that mh gives much tighter space between nodes, which will i guess in turn make the buds stack together more densely... any opinions on that??? So just gonna stick with pH'ed water for now atleast. Leaves are a nice green. So they seem like happy babies
End of day 7. Sour Crack. 1.7Gallon oxypot.
Day 7. The ever resilient Heisenberg special. Surfaced with only cotyldons. First true set got injured during germination. But I think she has, and is pulling through nicely.
So im happy with development so far. Able to keep temps and rh in desired range. Will be watering in morning. Possibly do a first feed by day 10-11. Im loving every minute so far. Im really living the dream. I have wanted a project closet for 20 years. And now i can do it legally even. Im sure im preaching to the choire. Peace family
Anybody have any experience with this stuff. Kangaroots from fox farm. Guy at my local htg supply swore by it. And gave me a quart bottle of stuff. Mycorrhizae, plus small npk .80 .10 .03.View attachment 710528View attachment 710528 View attachment 710529View attachment 710528 View attachment 710529
It's suppose to be as good as my roots exculrator so since I use most of Fox farm products and love them I get good results so it is on my list as soon as I run out of the roots.
I would have gotten it first but had no idea on my first real order of nutes it was even for the same thing as roots exculrator.since purchasing doing more reading many people use both in the organic sections of growing.
Mycorrhizae is cool also, I use great white at seed starting and transplanting I feed liquid karma on water days to keep it happy.
I've just gave stuff a try till I've found what works for me it's all about what you can afford and what works for you in your grow.
I use ffof soil also and so far I love it some don't like I said works for some not for others.