Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

Day 12. Sour Crack 5gallon fabric pot.
So besides a little heat issue, which hopefully has been rendered, everyone seems pretty good. They seem to be handling their first dose of sensi grow a+b. Since heat damage ive re adjusted some ventilation, and dropped temps by five degrees. Bringing it to around 74,with rh at 40%. Already have made a couple mistakes i will not be making again. A constant learning process... im still loving it.. by the way... anyone... soiless pH should be between 5.8-6.3. That is correct right??? Been adjusting to 6.0 just to be safe. The sensi is ph perfect, and adjusts to 5.7-5.9. So just a drop of ph up per gallon puts me at 6.0-6.1. Almost two weeks in. More to come. Peace
It's all coming along good...
I would not be adjusting the ph if using the ph perfect range of AN.
That's the whole point and they do have a coco ph perfect range as well.
I have not touched the ph of my water since I started using AN.
It's RO water so the ph is 7 and 20 ppm.

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It's all coming along good...
I would not be adjusting the ph if using the ph perfect range of AN.
That's the whole point and they do have a coco ph perfect range as well.
I have not touched the ph of my water since I started using AN.
It's RO water so the ph is 7 and 20 ppm.

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Advanced Nutrients did tell me that as well, since im using soiless i shouldn't adjust, then i was told by others i would need to. I guess with the amendments i should be watering at 5.8anyways. And that is were its supposed to put it, at 5.7-5.9, so. Other news, Heisenberg Special has perished. As i was adjusting pots she kind of fell over, and stayed that way. She has had problems since germination when her seed casing got caught up on perlite. I blame myself for planting directly into medium that is super coarse. I should of hallowed an area and put a handful of softer soil for her to germ in. The fact she held on so long is a testament to the genetics. We live and practice and learn right. So im germinating a Advanced seeds Blue Diesel auto to take her place. Got some freebies from a kind friend on this wonderful site here afn. Moving along....
Advanced Nutrients did tell me that as well, since im using soiless i shouldn't adjust, then i was told by others i would need to. I guess with the amendments i should be watering at 5.8anyways. And that is were its supposed to put it, at 5.7-5.9, so. Other news, Heisenberg Special has perished. As i was adjusting pots she kind of fell over, and stayed that way. She has had problems since germination when her seed casing got caught up on perlite. I blame myself for planting directly into medium that is super coarse. I should of hallowed an area and put a handful of softer soil for her to germ in. The fact she held on so long is a testament to the genetics. We live and practice and learn right. So im germinating a Advanced seeds Blue Diesel auto to take her place. Got some freebies from a kind friend on this wonderful site here afn. Moving along....
Onwards and upwards mate. The Sour Crack at the top of the page looks good. It should love the 5 gallon pot
Onwards and upwards mate. The Sour Crack at the top of the page looks good. It should love the 5 gallon pot
Thanks.. yeah she is the smallest of the sour cracks. I have a 5.5 oxypot with a sour crack that is twice her size, and the 1.7gallon oxypot is the largest... i wanted to compare the difference in growth in pot sizes. And growth speed. Decide if next run do more plants with smaller pots, or less with bigger pots. Im kinda leaning towards 6 with 2-3 gallon pots. That way i can have a bit more variety. Lol, gotta get through this grow first
All looking good I run 6 usually 2 of 3 different kinds I love variety.
But starting in June I'm going to start running 6-9 of same kind.
I believe it will increase the yeild it's just for me but I love to smoke and eat it.
I'm getting ready to flower my c99s then I'm going to run 24 carat or 3 bears og 6 of them in 5 gallon pots.
I will need a indica to go with my c99.
So far I average 3 oz per plant I'm happy with it.
So far looks like your on track in a few days things will pick up.
I stay busy the first 3 weeks so it don't seem like it's taking forever then after that it starts to get busy.
Boy this last month has been busy with lots of work my 6 was drinking a gallon every 2 days I spend 10-12 hours a week total in garden it's well worth it.
This is only my 5 the grow 2 being killed by uncontrollable forces I think Mephistos autos is the way to go their awesome.
Sorry for going on I seem to do that when smoking lol:pass:
I just chopped a white crack it's good I've got a alien hanging and drying and this weekend cutting 2 more white cracks.
When you getting them going you will stay busy.
Also you need to order your mephisto beans from them NO ONE can beat the extras these guys sell a awesome product then give so much extra it's amazing.
Again sorry I will be quiet now.:blahblah:
All looking good I run 6 usually 2 of 3 different kinds I love variety.
But starting in June I'm going to start running 6-9 of same kind.
I believe it will increase the yeild it's just for me but I love to smoke and eat it.
I'm getting ready to flower my c99s then I'm going to run 24 carat or 3 bears og 6 of them in 5 gallon pots.
I will need a indica to go with my c99.
So far I average 3 oz per plant I'm happy with it.
So far looks like your on track in a few days things will pick up.
I stay busy the first 3 weeks so it don't seem like it's taking forever then after that it starts to get busy.
Boy this last month has been busy with lots of work my 6 was drinking a gallon every 2 days I spend 10-12 hours a week total in garden it's well worth it.
This is only my 5 the grow 2 being killed by uncontrollable forces I think Mephistos autos is the way to go their awesome.
Sorry for going on I seem to do that when smoking lol:pass:
I just chopped a white crack it's good I've got a alien hanging and drying and this weekend cutting 2 more white cracks.
When you getting them going you will stay busy.
Also you need to order your mephisto beans from them NO ONE can beat the extras these guys sell a awesome product then give so much extra it's amazing.
Again sorry I will be quiet now.:blahblah:
They are dropping new strains next month bro!!! Grape crinkle x gg#4.... that is what i read... that and many dankness sounding others. Read it on mephisto threads. Im saving up to be able to order as soon as they drop... not missing this drop..
All looking good I run 6 usually 2 of 3 different kinds I love variety.
But starting in June I'm going to start running 6-9 of same kind.
I believe it will increase the yeild it's just for me but I love to smoke and eat it.
I'm getting ready to flower my c99s then I'm going to run 24 carat or 3 bears og 6 of them in 5 gallon pots.
I will need a indica to go with my c99.
So far I average 3 oz per plant I'm happy with it.
So far looks like your on track in a few days things will pick up.
I stay busy the first 3 weeks so it don't seem like it's taking forever then after that it starts to get busy.
Boy this last month has been busy with lots of work my 6 was drinking a gallon every 2 days I spend 10-12 hours a week total in garden it's well worth it.
This is only my 5 the grow 2 being killed by uncontrollable forces I think Mephistos autos is the way to go their awesome.
Sorry for going on I seem to do that when smoking lol:pass:
I just chopped a white crack it's good I've got a alien hanging and drying and this weekend cutting 2 more white cracks.
When you getting them going you will stay busy.
Also you need to order your mephisto beans from them NO ONE can beat the extras these guys sell a awesome product then give so much extra it's amazing.
Again sorry I will be quiet now.:blahblah:
Doing a lot of chopping!!!! Im jealous! In a good way tho! Lol. Im a broke single dad. And dropped just dropped lil over 350 to set up closet lol. That takes a lot of scrimpin and saving to save that. My ten year old son pretty much just absorbs my money lol. Finally in a state were i can grow legally, and got it put together man, the promised land. But no spending money for awhile. So no headstash until i can grow it lol... literally!!!!... so puff one for me family