Indoor Mephisto Sour Stomper single plant grow in 2x2

Yeah? I overwatered the first grow, been kinda stingy. I’ll add more. Thanks

Tough to overwater in cloth pots.. its possible but takes alot of effort ive tried! :eyebrows:
The only reason i mention it being dry, is that seedlings need to grow roots as fast as they can, but roots cant grow into dry soil. best to evenly water once real well, then heft the pot to see what it weighs.. then the goal is to keep it a little lighter than that consistently.
gl :baked:
Day 9
Trying to standardize on a single grow setup, so I came up with this milk crate contraption to allow for easy LST and bud support.
Also germinated a Mephisto Pinot Noir and put in a small pot for a test grow, couldn’t help myself, waiting for it to pop.


Day 31 (stomper) day 22 (Pinot noir)
Getting some nice bud sites forming on the stomper. Pinot is just getting light LST.
Traded the TS 600 out for the two 3500k autocobs, the ladies perked right up.
Traded out my exhaust fan for an ACInfinity Cloudline - variable speed and it’s much quieter.
Anyway, some pics.



