Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

The hard part of having a Grow with different Strains at the same time is that instead of making 5 liters jugs of nutes I get to make 4 different 2 liters jugs, this last Grow really had me on the wires, with not a lot of time to take care of them and each asking for different stuff I really felt I was raising 4 spoiled brats, but you really don't want them to put on a tantrum especially a flowering/teens one...

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
The hard part of having a Grow with different Strains at the same time is that instead of making 5 liters jugs of nutes I get to make 4 different 2 liters jugs, this last Grow really had me on the wires, with not a lot of time to take care of them and each asking for different stuff I really felt I was raising 4 spoiled brats, but you really don't want them to put on a tantrum especially a flowering/teens one...

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
That's a good point. Im using a one liter bottle to feed. So basically mixing for each plant anyhow. My sour cracks got their 2nd feed of sensi grow yesterday. Fed @ 1.25ml a liter. They seem to be taking it good. Had some heat/light stress happen over weekend on the 2 in oxypots. I've fixed issue and new growth is looking good. Starting to get good secondary growth. Thought of lst, but may just let these ladies grow out naturally. And sour crack is supposed to be a short strain. So thinking i should get decent light penetration with 400w hid. This grow i really just want to get them to finish line, and have it under my belt. Next grow attempt some other methods... i stumbled onto your old thread with those dinafem. If that was your first grow amazing job with scrog bro... im germinating an advanced blue diesel from the gift bag lol now... the seed soaked 16hours, then sank and soaked another 5-6 hours at that point tap root started protruding from shell, so i planted 4-6cm deep in my medium. So she should make her way to surface in next couple days. Will just add her to this journal... will post another update tomorrow with pics...
Day 16. Minor heat stressed Sour Crack. I've fixed issue, and new growth looks good.
So, at the beginning of week 3. Have had a couple issues. All my fault lol. But I've learned and will guard against next round. I still have all 3 sour cracks. But 3rd in 5 gallon fabric pot is surely stunned. So i fimmed her lol. And gonna wait another week. If she surprises me she stays, if not im pulling. Im pretty sure other 2 have recovered from heat/light stress, and should be ok. I got over zealous with light distance. And not taking into account light is a brand new hot ass mh 400w lol. Mistake learned. Good thing mephisto is so generous and still have most of my order, and a good brother here at afn has sent me some of his seed stash. I believe i overwatered during germination as well. Which is why there is a stunted girl. Still 2 of 4 should be ok, and ive learned lol.... believe me i beat myself up over the loss/waist of two mephisto beans. Im learning. All the research in the world doesn't hold a candle to hands on experience. So as Ribbzzy said... Onwards... two ladies are eating well though and are do for a feeding today. Will stay at 1.25ml of sensi grow to 1 liter. And 2ml of kangaroots this feed... again Onwards!!!!
MH bulbs produce huge amounts of heat, I also burned mine the first time I used a MH and it was a 400w as well.
The HPS does not make so much heat so in flowering you can keep the bulb closer or invest in a cool hood. It really helped me keep temp down in the tent when using MH/HPS combo.

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
Yeah. I was even thinking of switching to my 400w hps. Its cooler, and more lumen per watt. As well as ive heard mephisto genetics do just fine under hps. Hell im pretty sure that's how they were grown out at mephisto is hps, atleast that is what I've gathered in their threads. And im saving now for an air cooled reflector hood... As well as a couple other grow supplements. Ive heard amazing things about mammoth p. Heard you can also get a free sample at their website. Anyways. Im learning and loving it. I believe my passion for marijuana growing will drive me on, a few mistakes aside. Again i just can't let frustrations get to me that my girls aren't looking like a seasoned growers lol!!! I WILL GET THERE... and @Headbudz77 those gifts are gonna help me get there. Another day or so we should see a blue diesel make appearance.... Have you grown any of advanced seeds strains??? Ive seen some decent grow journals with their gear... and they are way less expensive than a lot of other breeders... im making a mephisto order next month when their new drops come out.. but saving them and remainder of my Mephisto Stash until i get more dialed in... will run through these advanced beans, and hopefully that dinafem blue cheese u blessed me with first...
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I have grown 2 of those blue cheese, together with the Critical Jack, and I prefer the Critical Jack in flavor, my GF she is more of the Blue Cheese, I find it too overwhelming, in terms of taste and aroma, but I think she is just a bit behind on the cure, plus she had fox tails everywhere so the buds are quite fluffy, so can't really make a proper statement on the blue cheese

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
I have grown 2 of those blue cheese, together with the Critical Jack, and I prefer the Critical Jack in flavor, my GF she is more of the Blue Cheese, I find it too overwhelming, in terms of taste and aroma, but I think she is just a bit behind on the cure, plus she had fox tails everywhere so the buds are quite fluffy, so can't really make a proper statement on the blue cheese

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
The blue cheese ive had here in the states has been a very racey, bridging on paranoia.. but the taste has always been more blueberry than cheesy.. i gotta tell ya. At just over 2 weeks these sour crack have an deep interesting smell if you just lightly touch leaves. Can't wait to smell these gals in flower