Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

I'm def curious to see the HS pics. Mine is beginning to frost up at around 6 weeks old
Pics tomorrow. To busy today and lately... will pull them outta hps and take pics... crazy that its Heisenberg lol... she is totally different from other two... they are almost done, and she is still building buds. She didn't get to tall having been stunted. But actually think she is gonna produce nicely for a little bush...
Well day 55 for sour crack in one gallon oxypot. She is pretty much all cloudy, with minimal amber... im taking her today. Here is before trim pic
So after a tight trim, leaving stems a little long she weighs in wet at 216.07 grams. So maybe 45-55ish dry... im stoked from only having a gallon of medium in an oxypot to grow from... top quality buds as well... the next sour crack in 5.5gallon oxypot is probably coming down in next 7 days. Really excited about that pungent girl as well. Maybe will pull little over 2ounces from her...
Did that earn me a badge @mephisto???
Or do i gotta run out more than one strain??
Im up too challenge...
And have a Heisenberg special around 2 weeks from harvest