Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

@fluffhead Once you test the smoke or do an edible run post a smoke report/edible report under the specific tab for it (top tab on Mephisto main page). Tag Rebel & post a link to your grow, pictures of Buds too if you want. Rebel will make sure you get your badge.
@fluffhead Once you test the smoke or do an edible run post a smoke report/edible report under the specific tab for it (top tab on Mephisto main page). Tag Rebel & post a link to your grow, pictures of Buds too if you want. Rebel will make sure you get your badge.
Thanks @Vorkosigan. Can't wait to sample these beauties... got a nice pot of trimming butter doing its thing on the stove now. Haven't been stoned in a month...
Peanut butter chocolate no bake cannabutter cookies coming up
Thanks @Vorkosigan. Can't wait to sample these beauties... got a nice pot of trimming butter doing its thing on the stove now. Haven't been stoned in a month...
Peanut butter chocolate no bake cannabutter cookies coming up
Will not be doing report on trim butter. Will be the flowers i review of course. Rock hard crystal coated flowers
Right on bro! That Sour Crack looks sick. I have a pack I'm hoping to run in the future. Seems like a potent tasty smoke from what I've read. I like the fact that it stays small and finishes early too.
Awesome job man. Looks tasty. Gotta let us know how she is once cured :pimp:
Right on bro! That Sour Crack looks sick. I have a pack I'm hoping to run in the future. Seems like a potent tasty smoke from what I've read. I like the fact that it stays small and finishes early too.
Yeah she could've went a lil while longer. But she was definitely ready enough. Lol im outta erb so she was ready. Cloudy trychs all the way, a little amber. Her buds are rock hard trych factories!! The 5.5gallon oxypot plant i have on day 55 is still ripening, she is much bigger though. Very sour fruit smelling. More trychs on the bigger girl as well, very thick oily layer of resin on buds.. i cant wait til finished product. Im letting her go as far as she wants.
Without sampling her i can tell you she aint no punk...
Very heavy hitter looking.
Like mmmm hmmmm...
Have a couple sour cracks left, but im saving them until i can re up on them. I will always want to grow these girls
And here she is... Heisenberg special. This time calling her the correct strain lol. She is 55days today.
Im thinking she has 10-14days to go.
That is some heavy weed you have grown there enjoy bro,
That is some heavy weed you have grown there enjoy bro,
Yeah that sour crack just looks serious!!
Can't wait to sample her.
Her big sister is coming up this week. Boy is she resin coated lol...
Heisenberg special within 2weeks...
Mephisto genetics got me busy lol..
Loving it
You have grown out to of the strongest strains mephisto has. I have grown both of them that and there double grape is some of the strongest smoke out there period bar none IMO