Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

Check out Autobeast his shit is next level man. Some of the biggest auto I have ever seen. Going to try some of his techniques next grow with topping. Check him out if you haven't grows some big ladies.
Ooh mate you've opened up a whole can of worms here dude!

Flushing, scientifically, is nonsense. However, even though I know that I still flush for 7 days!

Actually, I severely taper down the nutes for the last week so for the last few days it's almost just water.

Try flush and non flush and see which you prefer! :pass:
This is basically exactly almost to the T what I do.
Got my order from mephisto yesterday.., i ordered one 3-pack of s.o.d.k, and one single 3 bears OG.

I got 5 sodk
2 - 3 bog
5- Heisenberg Special
Thats 12 seeds for the 4 i ordered lol. Absolutely so kind and generous the cats at mephisto are. Ive heard people say that they are too expensive???? Lol, i paid $60.00 u.s dollars for that order. That breaks down to 5 bucks a seed, for some next level genetics!!! Super affordable. When ordering directly from them. Which it was only 8days from ordering to my door. Which is the fastest ive received any order from anywhere. They truly are the real deal out there!!! Thank you again fellas,
My ladies don't smell when I smell them. When I open the tent there is a weed funk, and when I touch them and smell my fingers i can smell the sweetness like candy. Directly smelling the bud there isnt much smell at all which i thought weird since Easter was day 70. Any of you find this to be the case too? My 1st grown was the same thing, but after cure they did so hopefully this will be the same case.
Day 29. Advanced Blue Diesel auto, in 5gallon fabric pot. She has quadrupled her size the last seven days. She is 25inches, and very branchy. I really hope she slows down the vertical growth, as she is getting to big for the space. Set up right now is for smaller strains, i.e sour crack. She is looking like she is gonna go about 3ft before she slows down... she is at 1/2 strength sensi grow a+b, CaMg 1.5ml per 1L. Dyna gro silicon solution pro-teKt at .5ml per 1L. Very nice structure. Will be trimming lower half today. Taking lower leaves and branches.

i was not impressed with the flowering of the Critical Soma, the buds were fluffy, and not consistent at all, and they stopped fattening really early.
So im hoping to get some results from the top69. together with yours we get a better picture of these seeds.
The rest of your girls are looking good
Happy 4-20 everyone in afn land. In my opinion. Afn is the kindest cannabis site on the net. Im grateful to be a part of a tight community that shares wisdom and knowledge. I see so many other cannabis sites, were there is so much bickering, and arguing. That doesn't take place here. Afn is ran absolutely fantastically. Big thanks for how well this site is ran. To all those who make this site what it is thank you....
To all my AFN family peace and love.... HaPpY FoUR 2 oH!!!!!!
Day 51-52
Sour Crack in 1.0gallon oxypot
She has swollen up her nugs nicely. Everyday the buds just get harder and harder. Trichs are clouding up thick!!! She is on plain tapwater and will most definitely going ahead with harvest on Monday day 56 for her... excited!!!!

Sour Crack in 5.5gallon oxypot on day 52, really filling out and buds are starting to get rock solid. Absolutely covered in crystals, more so than smaller sister. Extremely fruity... she will probably go to around day 60, Have cut back on nutes, Will be straight water last 5 days or so....

Surprise Surprise Surprise!!!!!!!
That Heisenberg special we thought died way back in the thread, and was left with 3 Sour Crack. One being stunted and i fimmed her, then she came back and turned into a bush!!!
She wasn't a sour crack
She is the Heisenberg Special!!!!!!
They were both planted in 5gallon fabric pots...
Well i did mark the Heisenberg special, and forgot about it, well other day when i had pots out for room maintenance i saw the h.s i drew on it. Lol
I thought she was alot different from other two.
So i do still have the Heisenberg special!!!! Very citrus hashy smell, at day 51 she also looks like she is gonna go a couple more weeks...
What a trip....
Pics tomorrow peace