Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

She isn't done yet... very close though. She is only in a one gallon oxypot, so i knew she was going to finish first before her Big sisters lol. Was my hope to get one to finish FAST, that is why i only grew one in that small of a pot lol... Its one of mephistos fastest strains anyways, she is only ripening now, no new growth, that is why im thinking the 55 dayish mark... Surely she could probably go a little longer, but im outta weed man. Single dad, took me alot of scrimpin and saving to put ny set up together. Ive been outta weed almost a month bro! The other two S.C im going to let get some Amber, but as long as the one gallon plant is mostly cloudy im taking her around day 55ish. She has been very fast and developed very quickly at every stage... also she has a very thick, and dense cola, getting denser by the day, ive got three fans running in groom now. Mould would really hurt my feelings right now... lol
Ya me too been out since early February! Sucks ass don't it I got growing about 3 weeks late so should be done now. Will a 1 pot make it be done faster? Never used one just 5gal and this time 3gal got 2 10gal but don't have trays for underneath so can't use yet. Was thinking about 2gal for plants I'm going to spray with cs just to use less medium and no nutrients going to use ffof. Mine will be day 75 on the 21st but looks like they will be 85+ like I said I had them veg for 42 days so they have only been in flower for 26 days so got some filling out I can see them getting fatter so coming along
Ya me too been out since early February! Sucks ass don't it I got growing about 3 weeks late so should be done now. Will a 1 pot make it be done faster? Never used one just 5gal and this time 3gal got 2 10gal but don't have trays for underneath so can't use yet. Was thinking about 2gal for plants I'm going to spray with cs just to use less medium and no nutrients going to use ffof. Mine will be day 75 on the 21st but looks like they will be 85+ like I said I had them veg for 42 days so they have only been in flower for 26 days so got some filling out I can see them getting fatter so coming along
Well the smaller pot will restrict the roots faster, so she started flowering first, she is half the size of other two girls, just all buds lol, so she filled out fast lol. Again mephisto site says it's their fastest strain in restrictive potting. So taking at day 55ish isn't unheard of at all. Sour Crack is truly a sea of green monster
Well the smaller pot will restrict the roots faster, so she started flowering first, she is half the size of other two girls, just all buds lol, so she filled out fast lol. Again mephisto site says it's their fastest strain in restrictive potting. So taking at day 55ish isn't unheard of at all. Sour Crack is truly a sea of green monster
Especially for the time period, it would be hard to find a photo strain that could compete with her in that short of time. Not just for quantity, but the quality is top notch... i may be newish to growing, but am a marijuana enthusiast., i know quality when i see it.. i can't wait to try this head banger
Day 45ish.. sour crack in big 5.5gallon oxypot... love her...
I wanted sour crack but been out so I didn't didn't look at it wow I thought grape crinkle was fast. Saw 55-65 but heard if your growing for you let it go to like 75 but may need to go longer cause rest is looking like 85+. I did cks northern lights let it go 110 day cause I accidently top it at day 38 had started flowering so let it go and did 2 week flush got 4oz out of it. 1 of the sour bubblin crack has that same look in size so hopefully get simular yield.
Day 44ish. Sour Crack... 5gallon fabric pot... fimmed. Came back strong after a brief stunt... love this oily gal... just trimmed about 30 leaves outta her, had to open her up some. Still a bush
She could have been a lot bigger I cut back on nutrients only watered 1x a day I was doing 2-3 feedings a day but knew they would out grow my space so pulled them back. Coco can grow bigger but too much maintenance just picked up some promos today. Going to do 2 5gal with more room I can get a better yield.
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