Indoor First Grow - starting late

mist getting on the flowers
A good fine spray when the lights are just coming on is a good way to increase the RH. That can be done daily to keep the girls happy. Don't worry about mold this early in the grow. With good ventilation and air flow mold shouldn't be an issue. Keeping the room clean, keeping pets out of the grow area (well...maybe) general good grow housekeeping keeps a lot of pests at bay.

My Stealth Armoire is in my Den that is a rather small size kids bedroom (it was a kids bedroom). I have a medium size Honeywell humidifier that holds over 5 gallons of water. With the humidifier going full blast and the door of the Den closed and the intake/out take window fan keeping the Den's ambient temp in control; it's a job to keep my RH at 40% when the outside RH is bone dry.
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...that's better! --for sure they were too close before,... Big picture: any combination of low RH, high temps, overly strong air movement and light intensity ( BTW, LED may not "heat" burn, but can still fry leaves) can put temp/transpiration stress on the most exposed leaves, and start showing such symptoms,... If this gets to be too much for the plant, she'll close up the stomata openings to stop water loss; this brings the flow of water and nutes from the roots up to a near halt.. this can sometimes even cause deficiencies if sustained...
Ah- just saw the new post! yup, the RH is too low... it's amazing what even 10-15% can do if it's at the tolerable limits! During dark hours, when the temps are lower you should can shut the humidifier off,... during bloom, 35-50% RH is actually better for that reason! And good air movement is just as critical,... but worry about that when you get there, like BayLee says! :smoking:
but worry about that when you get there
@Frank Rizzo ...I just realizes that you can Kill Two Birds with One Stone method.

Foliage spray with Epsom Salt will give them a nice Mg/Sulfur kick and help with the RH.
Spray clean un-treated water once in a while to wash any Epsom Salt or nutrient build up.

Add a wetting agent to the foliage spray.
I got the rh to around 40 and the leaves look ok. Actually I was looking at the blue dream yesterday and thinking what am I gonna do with all this bud?! Haha I did this for personal use but looks like some family members will be making out.
I picked up some AN Cal/Mag just to have on standby. But after the last feeding for AH (which I gave epsom salt to), it seems to have slowed down whatever the issue was. Or even reversed it, as it doesn't look as deficient today. I'll give Cal/mag to her the next feeding just to ensure she's happy. The other two look great. How long after a feeding would I see nutrient burn? Just wondering since the BD have been upped to full and showing no signs of burn.
I got the rh to around 40 and the leaves look ok. Actually I was looking at the blue dream yesterday and thinking what am I gonna do with all this bud?! Haha I did this for personal use but looks like some family members will be making out.
My grows go to the next grow.
Give away some, but it's Grow. Then another Grow. Always getting ready for the next Grow. That's what it's all about.

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How long after a feeding would I see nutrient burn? Just wondering since the BD have been upped to full and showing no signs of burn.
How old are your girls now?

Strains react to nutrients differently than some. Just an example is my current Grow. The S.O.D.K. X Alien could take a full dose of a nutrient feed w/o any problem. Howerver, the Skyrone Stomper didn't. I am using West Coast Horticulture line that's organic and the Stompers were not happy. Check out pics of my Skyrone Stomper.

Any "fix" takes well as any over nutrient "burn". I've had an Epsom Salt foliage spray help in one light cycle. It's a waiting game. The idea is to be on top of it and once you see any leaf tip brown...back off...on the feed.

The good thing is you are in a great position now, The lamp is further away than it was before; you got a handle on the greening of your girls and the RH is within range. The temps are good and you have air circulation as well. You got it down pat.....enjoy your hard work and watch them :growing:.