Dinafem Duckster does DinaFem

I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair but, by turning to religion, I was soon able to come to terms with the whole thing.
I converted to Islam, and we're stoning the bitch in the morning.

The wife suggested I get myself one of those penis enlargers, so I did.......
she's 21 and her name's Lucy.

Went to the pub with my girlfriend last night. Locals were shouting "pedophile" and other names at me, just becausemy girlfriend is 21 and I'm 50.
It completely spoiled our 10th anniversary.

The thing I love most about hot weather is the short skirts and low cut tops.... although, they do make me look a bit gay.

My son was thrown out of school today for letting a girl in his class give him a hand-job. I said "Son, that's 3 schools this year. You'd better stop before you're banned from teaching altogether."

Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a brick?
A: The brick doesn't follow you home after you lay it.

Just been to the gym. They've got a new machine in. Only used it for half an hour, as I started to feel sick. It's great though. It does everything - KitKats, Mars Bars, Snickers, Crisps, the lot.."

Question - Are there too many immigrants in Britain ?
17% said yes; 11% said No; 72% said "I am not understanding the question please."

The queen says she doesn't want the traditional fruit cake at her jubilee celebrations. Prince Phillip says he doesn't give a toss, he's still going.

The cost of living has now gotten so bad that my wife is having sex with me because she can't afford batteries.

Some bastard's just pinched a pair of my wife's knickers off the washing line. She's not bothered about the knickers but she wants the 12 clothes pegs back.
Moby Dick at day 18 is about 7" across but still only 2" tall.

Day 22 for the WWXXL and she is now about 11" across and 6" tall.

I have raised the light up to about 24" to encourage some vertical growth. The good news is my new Amare light has arrived at the main UPS terminal in town. Should move to my local terminal tonight and be delivered tomorrow. Will try to do some unboxing photos and some before and after lighting photos. Both girls are now getting 1.5 ml/l ea. of AN micro, grow, bloom, and 1ml/l of B-52. Ta for now - thanks for stopping by.
Ok so my toy has arrived. A little disappointed that there was no documentation or manual.


The old light - GrowBox 480W LED running in veg mode.

The GrowBox 480W LED and the Amare SolarPro300 side by side. (Sorry about the toes)

The Amare SolarPro300 running supplemental LEDs only

The Amare SolarPro300 running COBs only

The Amare SolarPro300 running supplemental LEDs and COBs

I did not use the supplied hangers and lenses. I assume that the items below are used to connect 2 lights together????????

My old light in veg mode raises the cab temp to 91F. Running the new light with supplemental LEDs only the cab temps are about 86F (about the same as the old light running only the bloom). Running the COBs only runs the cab temp up 94F. Not sure what to run and when on this light. @Wile e Peyote, @dcat0921, @AMARE-TECH-Vic, or anyone else care to chime in?
Ok so my toy has arrived. A little disappointed that there was no documentation or manual.

View attachment 635575 View attachment 635576 View attachment 635577

The old light - GrowBox 480W LED running in veg mode.
View attachment 635578

The GrowBox 480W LED and the Amare SolarPro300 side by side. (Sorry about the toes)
View attachment 635579

The Amare SolarPro300 running supplemental LEDs only
View attachment 635580

The Amare SolarPro300 running COBs only
View attachment 635581

The Amare SolarPro300 running supplemental LEDs and COBs
View attachment 635582

I did not use the supplied hangers and lenses. I assume that the items below are used to connect 2 lights together????????
View attachment 635583

My old light in veg mode raises the cab temp to 91F. Running the new light with supplemental LEDs only the cab temps are about 86F (about the same as the old light running only the bloom). Running the COBs only runs the cab temp up 94F. Not sure what to run and when on this light. @Wile e Peyote, @dcat0921, @AMARE-TECH-Vic, or anyone else care to chime in?

Our apology for the lack of documentation that will be included with our future models soon. We recommend vegging seedling/clones less than 6" with only the surrounding monochrome LEDs @24". You can veg with only the monochrome until flowering or switch the COBs on when the are 6"+ for maximum growth. Flower @18" with no lenses and 30" with lenses. For most applications with height limitations, we recommend no lenses. The lenses are designed for high-bay applications that need a minimum of 30" for the overlapping to maximize coverage and intensity for the recommended 2' x 4' footprint. The supplied patented H-brackets are for attaching the panels together. (Pictured) No need to supplement the spectrum with CFL. The supplemental monochrome is a cooler spectrum based on the 6500k cool-white like the CFL, but at much higher intensity with the 5w XP-G3/XP-E2 and secondary lenses.

Pro3 attached via H-brackets.jpg
adjustable H-
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Ok so my toy has arrived. A little disappointed that there was no documentation or manual.

View attachment 635575 View attachment 635576 View attachment 635577

The old light - GrowBox 480W LED running in veg mode.
View attachment 635578

The GrowBox 480W LED and the Amare SolarPro300 side by side. (Sorry about the toes)
View attachment 635579

The Amare SolarPro300 running supplemental LEDs only
View attachment 635580

The Amare SolarPro300 running COBs only
View attachment 635581

The Amare SolarPro300 running supplemental LEDs and COBs
View attachment 635582

I did not use the supplied hangers and lenses. I assume that the items below are used to connect 2 lights together????????
View attachment 635583

My old light in veg mode raises the cab temp to 91F. Running the new light with supplemental LEDs only the cab temps are about 86F (about the same as the old light running only the bloom). Running the COBs only runs the cab temp up 94F. Not sure what to run and when on this light. @Wile e Peyote, @dcat0921, @AMARE-TECH-Vic, or anyone else care to chime in?
Oh a new toy I don't use the hangers I've got mine set up on individual ratchets my critical are nearly 3 weeks old (Monday) and I've got it on full blast just checked the distance and it's 56 cm away what do you think of the build quality I couldn't believe how light they are compared to my last panel any more questions dude if I can't help I'm sure vic can [emoji106]

Amused ourselves to death
Our apology for the lack of documentation that will be included with our future models soon. We recommend vegging seedling/clones less than 6" with only the surrounding monochrome LEDs @24". You can veg with only the monochrome until flowering or switch the COBs on when the are 6"+ for maximum growth. Flower @18" with no lenses and 30" with lenses. For most applications with height limitations, we recommend no lenses. The lenses are designed for high-bay applications that need a minimum of 30" for the overlapping to maximize coverage and intensity for the recommended 2' x 4' footprint. The supplied patented H-brackets are for attaching the panels together. (Pictured) No need to supplement the spectrum with CFL. The supplemental monochrome is a cooler spectrum based on the 6500k cool-white like the CFL, but at much higher intensity with the 5w XP-G3/XP-E2 and secondary lenses.

View attachment 635682 adjustable H-

Many thanks for the for the input Victor. Top notch light. I don't use any CFLs. I assume you are referring to the my 30W 3000K corn LEDs that I use for side lights that I am not using ATM. I also have a 48W LED bar for side lighting too. Not using that either, too much heat.
Oh a new toy I don't use the hangers I've got mine set up on individual ratchets my critical are nearly 3 weeks old (Monday) and I've got it on full blast just checked the distance and it's 56 cm away what do you think of the build quality I couldn't believe how light they are compared to my last panel any more questions dude if I can't help I'm sure vic can [emoji106]

Amused ourselves to death

Hey Wile - yep just using the 4 yo-yo hangers that I already had. Good quality light, but it is a few pounds heavier than my other light. Love the big heat sinks. Just running the monochromes ATM, but even with that the girls are loving it. This morning the leaves were up praying to the light and that is something I almost never saw with the old light. By full blast I assume you mean you're running both the monochromes and cobs. I'll be kicking on the cobs in a day or two, but will probably have to leave the cab doors open a bit to help keep things cooler for now. I only have 30 cubic feet of space so it gets hot real quick. I'm thinking I will need to do some modifications to boost the air exchange. Maybe some bigger fans on the intake and exhaust.
Hey Wile - yep just using the 4 yo-yo hangers that I already had. Good quality light, but it is a few pounds heavier than my other light. Love the big heat sinks. Just running the monochromes ATM, but even with that the girls are loving it. This morning the leaves were up praying to the light and that is something I almost never saw with the old light. By full blast I assume you mean you're running both the monochromes and cobs. I'll be kicking on the cobs in a day or two, but will probably have to leave the cab doors open a bit to help keep things cooler for now. I only have 30 cubic feet of space so it gets hot real quick. I'm thinking I will need to do some modifications to boost the air exchange. Maybe some bigger fans on the intake and exhaust.
I have an adjustable extraction fan to help with temps in the summer I have a piece of ducting running under my eaves and into my tent to draw in cold air and expel it out the other side of the loft [emoji106]

Amused ourselves to death
Bartley MacDermott wants a job, but the boss won’t hire him until he passes a simple math test. The boss says:

“Here is your first question; without using numbers, represent the number 9.”

Bartley say:

“Without numbers? That’s easy.”
Bartley proceeds to draw three trees:


The boss asks:

“What the heck is this?”

To which Bartley replies:

“Have you no brain? Tree and tree, plus tree makes 9.”
The boss responds:

“Okay, here is your second question.
Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99.”
Bartley stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture that he has just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree.. “There ye go.”


The boss scratches his head and says:
“How on earth do you get that to represent 99?”

To which Bartley replies:
“Each of the trees is dirty now. So, it’s dirty tree, and dirty tree, plus dirty tree. Dat makes 99.”

The boss is getting worried that he’s actually going to have to hire Bartley,
so he says:
“All right, last question. Same rules again,
but represent the number 100.”

Bartley stares into space a bit,
then he picks up the picture and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and says, “Here ye go. One hundred.”


The boss looks at the picture:
“You must be crazy if you think that represents a hundred!”

Bartley leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree
and says:
“A little dog came along and pooped by each tree.
So now you got dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd,
and dirty tree and a turd, which makes 100.”

Barley is now the new supervisor!
Ok so have been using the new light for 1 week and the girls have had a bit of a growth spurt. Was it caused by the new light or just the normal stretch? I'm thinking probably a bit of both. I have had to cycle the light between mono only, cob only, and both, to help control the heat. It has run on mono only more than anything but there has been some nice growth just the same. The Moby Dick went from 2" tall and 7" across to 8" tall and 14" across. The WWXXL went from 6" tall and 11" across to 16" tall and 20" across. I have raised the light as high as I can get it with the yo-yos. Even hitting temps as high as 99F, the girls are looking good IMO

The Moby Dick at 26 days.

The WWXXL at 30 days.

A group shot.

Ta for now. Many thanks for stopping by and taking an interest.