Dinafem Duckster does DinaFem

We definitely will at some stage. But theres a chance i might have to pull this grow so didnt want to risk it in a grow off and waste someone elses time
We seem to be on the same timescale let's see what's happening after this grow around Christmas time I'm sure we can sort something as long as your settled [emoji108]

de do doe don't de do
Quick update - things seem to be moving kind of slow or is it just me.

Moby Dick at day 11 is about 3" across but still only 1" tall

Day 15 for the WWXXL and she is now about 6" across and 4" tall. Her stem has thickened up so I have raised the light up to about 20".

Both girls are now getting 1 ml/l ea. of AN micro, grow, bloom, voodoo juice, and rhino skin. Ta for now - thanks for stopping by.
For just a 4 day difference in days of growth. I must say the ww xxl is looking the more vigorous of the 2 strains. Saying that though, 4 extra days of veg and I'm sure the moby dick will catch right up :thumbsup:

Great picture update and some great banter :pass:

Keep up the great work and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated :slap:

Until the next update

All the best

For just a 4 day difference in days of growth. I must say the ww xxl is looking the more vigorous of the 2 strains. Saying that though, 4 extra days of veg and I'm sure the moby dick will catch right up :thumbsup:

Great picture update and some great banter :pass:

Keep up the great work and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated :slap:

Until the next update

All the best


Many thanks for stopping by and the like bomb Mark. Banter - I guess you could consider inane ramblings and a few jokes as banter lol.

Thinking the slower growth may be the result of me doing something different. I noticed in some of my previous grows that most of the roots are concentrated in the top half of the airpot. I have started using an old Muddy (remember him?) tip. Every few days I poke a skewer down to the bottom in 10-12 spots to break up the soil a bit. Certainly helps to distribute the moisture throughout the pot. Hoping the girls are putting the majority of their growth efforts into the root system ATM.
And a little something to make you smile.

''My God! What happened to you?'' the bartender asked Kelly as he hobbled in on a crutch, one arm in a cast.
''I got in a tiff with Riley.''
''Riley? He's just a wee fellow,'' the barkeep said, surprised. ''He must have had something in his hand.''
''That he did,'' Kelly said. ''A shovel it was.''
''Dear Lord. Didn't you have anything in your hand?''
''Aye, that I did -- Mrs. Riley's left boob.'' Kelly said. ''And a beautiful thing it was, but not much use in a fight.''