Dinafem Duckster does DinaFem

Thanks bro! I've used technaflora (feed 1-2 times a week starting at day 7, with run off, and flush between veg and flower until 7ish+ days before harvest as well..)since the beginning but have thought of taking the leap to AN. Its all been trial error and experimentation in an effort for best results so any input is definitely appreciated. As for the dolomite lime: I'll try a few tblsps when i blend here in a couple of days. I'll see where my soil run off ph is, and try to go from there..

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Trying to get an accurate measurement of the soil pH by measuring the runoff pH and doing the math is a bit dodgy. I prefer to measure the soil directly. I use an accurate 8 soil probe. There are less expensive versions out there and either way is probably more accurate than measuring the run off - Just my 2 cents.
do what I do I just pull open the root riot cube just enough so when I put in the seed I can still have a peek to see whats happening but not disturb the seedling :smoking:

Oh yeah this works great! Looks like the last lsd is another dud, the Moby Dick has a nice little tail. She will probably be popping up tomorrow. Looks like this grow will be all DinaFem.
Many thanks for the like bomb @Dinafem-Mark. I will get some pictures soon. Pictures of seedlings is kind of like baby pictures - they all kind of look alike unless it's some kind of freak. FYI the current roster is 1 white widow XXL and 1 regular moby dick.
Good morning campers - update time with a few pics - yean I know - finally. lmao

Kind of lost track of where these girls are at. Had to go back and do the math. I think the WW is on day 9 and the MD is day 5. Have been running the light on bloom spectrum so far as the veg spectrum pushes the cab temps above 90F. Gave the girls a very lite feeding today. 0.5ml each of AN micro, grow, and bloom.

The WW at 9 days is already 3". Her stem looks kind of skinny at the base so some concern of her becoming top heavy and falling over. So have lowered the light a few inches down to 14" to try and discourage the early stretching. Also going to add a bit of rhinoskin to the feed mix for the next few days to promote the stem growth.

The MD at 5 days

I switched the light over to the veg spectrum and the temp went up to 91F. Decided to take advantage of the heat and use the CO2 boost bucket. Have read both positive and negative reviews on this type of CO2 generation. Most of the negatives say that it does create some co2, it is not enough to boost the yield enough to make an extra $75-100 per grow investment worthwhile. But since this bucket came with my cab, I figured I'd give it a go.

Ta for now. Thanks for taking an interest. :smokeout:
My apologies for the lack of humor recently @The Elvis, @redrobbo, @Wile e Peyote, @Dinafem-Mark, @dankstyle J, @Starbreaker, @sanguine, @Brew712 and @Spanglish (where are ya mate?). Most of what I see and hear these days is political. Go figure. One man's political humor can be another man's personal insult, so best to avoid. However, fear not! I have a few to offer up. Hopefully at least 1 will bring a smile to your face and help to get your weekend started in the right frame of mind.:cheers:
There was once a man named Odd. People made fun of him because of his name so he decided to keep his gravestone blank when he died.
Now when people pass by the burial site, they point and say, "That's odd."
A teacher asks the kids in her 3rd grade class: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Little Larry says: "I wanna start out as a Fighter Pilot, then be a Billionaire. Then I want to go to the most expensive clubs, find me the finest whore and bathe her with the finest luxuries money can afford. I'll buy her a Ferrari worth over a million bucks, an apartment in Copacabana, a mansion in Paris, a jet to travel throughout Europe,
an Infinite Visa Card, and all the while banging her like a loose screen door in a hurricane.”

The teacher, shocked and not knowing what to do with this horrible response from little Larry, decides not to acknowledge what he said and simply tries to continue with the lesson.

"And how about you, Sarah?"

"I wanna be Larry’s whore..."
A grandson runs up to his grandfather and asks him if he can talk like a frog.
"Of course not," says the grandfather.
A few minutes later, his granddaughter asks him the same question.
"No, of course not. Why are you both asking me this?"
The granddaughter replies, "Dad said that when you croak, we can go to Disneyland."