Mephisto Genetics Double Grape & Autocobs, Hooray!

Day 28 for Thing 3. As you can see she's been stretching quite a bit! As a result my worries about her being a runt have pretty much disappeared. :biggrin: I'm still quite new to growing so I'm not quite confident identifying phenotypical differences, but to me Thing 3 looks quite a bit lankier than Thing 1. Would those of you with more experience say that between the two, Thing 3 has more sativa characteristics?

Anyway, that's about it to report - Thing 3 is drinking about 12 oz a day, and big sis Thing 2 is taking a little over 20oz.




Thanks for stopping by!:thanks: :pass:
Day 43 for Thing 1. She's continuing to fill out nicely and is getting frostier by the day. Maybe it's due to my relative newness as a grower but so far I can honestly say that the level of frost on Thing 1 is amazing. I cannot wait to see how potent this gear is compared to my earlier grows. :smoking: Currently she's getting 22oz a day, and I'll be starting her on KoolBloom powder before too long.

For anyone considering Growstones as a growing medium, let me be the first to say don't bother. I have a strong suspicion that something about them has slightly stunted my plants, and they seem to be letting more light through down to the root zone than I'd like. I had algae build up issues with my last grow (the first time I'd used 100% growstones) and I have the same problem now. It doesn't appear to be hurting the plants any but damn is it is annoying. I'm glad I'll be switching to coco from here on out.



And a comparison between Thing 1 & Thing 3. Thing 3 is 12 days behind Thing 1 and as you can see, definitely more sativa-dominant. Really psyched to be able to give both phenos a try and see how much of a difference there is. :woohoo1:

Thanks for looking! :thanks:
Day 35 for Thing 3. She's cruising along nicely, nothing major to report. Drinking about 18-20oz a day. Noticed a little bit of what I think is bleaching on the very tip-top set of leaves/bud site, so I moved the light over her as far as it'll go. I really, really love easily adjusted these autocobs are. :biggrin:


And a bit of a comparison shot. :thumbsup:
Day 47 for Thing 1. Planning on starting her on KoolBoom powder this evening and for the next three weeks. She's still stacking on bud but she's got some sort of issue going on that I can't identify. I thought it might just be the leaves starting to eat themselves but I'm not sure as none of my other plants have done that prior to harvest. Anyone able to have a look and lend some wisdom? I guess I'm confused because it doesn't look like the necrosis and spotting that I've had with my other grows that seemed to be due to PH issues. Those spots usually were darker/grey in appearance and spread differently, and never curled like these are. Not sure what to make of it.




@BigSm0 , @budelee @iampepe @Waira ?
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Maybe I just don't know enough yet, but this leaf issue has me pretty stumped. Based on the guides in the infirmary it looks like it *might* be a Phosphorous deficiency but it still doesn't look spot on. I suppose it could be multiple issues but everything seems to be pretty well dialed in so I have no idea.

Hopefully, if it is P the KoolBloom will take care of it from here on out. :shrug:
I had similar issues and it turned out to be PH swings. My coco was getting too dry between feedings and this caused the ph in the root zone to go all over the place. Once I watered more often and the coco stayed moist 24/7, the ph swings ended and the leaf problems stopped.
I had similar issues and it turned out to be PH swings. My coco was getting too dry between feedings and this caused the ph in the root zone to go all over the place. Once I watered more often and the coco stayed moist 24/7, the ph swings ended and the leaf problems stopped.

I'm getting ready to make the move to coco, so this is good to know. I'm growing in Growstones (glass-based perlite alternative) so I'm not sure if the same sort of logic applies, but anything's possible. It doesn't *look* like PH issues to me, based on the PH issues I've had with my previous grows, but again, I'm no expert. At the moment I'm learning towards phosphorus, or perhaps the plant is just starting to eat up the leaves some. KoolBloom starts at tonight's watering, so if it *is* phosphorous-based I should know pretty quick! :biggrin:
I Am far from an expert but in my experience if the run off is the same as you put it you should be good. If the run off is considerably higher or lower there could be an issue.