Well, damn. Gonna have to pop another seed.
So, Thing 2 had trouble from the start. When I set seeds to germinate, I use soaked/PH'd rockwool cubes and I make sure to press each seed into the bottom of the little pre-made hole in the cube and into one of the sides so it has as much contact as possible. I guess I didn't do that with Thing 2, because when I checked on it the day Thing 1 popped I saw that it was only sticking to the side of the cube and hadn't popped. So I took it out, soaked another cube and replaced it later that day.
The next day I noticed that it had a taproot, but that said taproot was facing *upwards*.

So I carefully teased it out of the cube and replaced it taproot *down*.
When it broke the surface the next day the seed husk was well stuck on top, so I teased that off as well. Alright, good to go, right?
This is how the seedling looked earlier today: (please excuse the somewhat blurry pic and random Alice in Wonderland stuff, lol)
Notice how it goes white about halfway down? I assume that's the taproot that still decided not to grow downwards. Ok, no problem - I'll just make sure to brace it with a skewer or something when I pot it up. Well, I went up just now to grab something from the room the seedling is in, and I see this:
Damnit. I'm sure some of y'all could probably salvage this youngin', but...I'm calling it quits and starting over. Anyone have any idea what happened her? Wonky seed? User error/inexperience? I'm not terribly bummed about it thanks to
@mephisto hooking me up with extras (thanks again!) but if it's something I did I'd like to avoid repeating it in the future, you know?
Anyway today is week 1 for Thing 1 and I'll be getting another seed in some rockwool tomorrow so Thing 2 will make an appearance - just might be another few days.
Alright, that's it. Just wanted to give y'all an update. Time to go school the nephew in Mario Kart.