New Grower Da Moons Trancy State of Mind on Biotabs

I followed, without knowing him :cooldance: but his thread in biotabs attracted me fast, the advice from @MedCzech .
To dare something, to not grow leaves :rofl:...defoliation was a first timer, pushing up bio PK rapidly without exagerating. Hit her another time with 5ml orgatrex and 1bactrex, adapting lights while measuring the LUX a bit...
Credits are for the Med!

She will never become the best yielder i think, but i am glad to see progress instead of droopy and lightcoloured leaves. Time will tell.
For a first test with the autocob and the biotabs, i m the winner of my own private contest already.:rofl:

Those are some very kind words @Moonshade ...I appreciate the props, but you had everything you needed. All you needed was someone to give you a nudge in the right direction. :d5:

The girls do look much better now. They will yield pretty decently. Be patient. The last two weeks they will really pop...:drool:

Your grow I see further along than mine right now. I am no longer not adding any nutes other than the Bio PK weekly, then it's just straight tap water for my ladies so far. Keep doing your thing man. You will be a master of the BioTabs in no time. :thumbsup:
Mayday. Mayday. Day 61.
Northern light showing some brown spots. On some sugarleaves and on some fans.
Last feed of orgatrex was 5ml, 10 days ago on day 51, + 1gr bactrex.
Bio pk 10ml spread over 7 days 3+5+2.
Calcium def?
Pics with the cob on + flash.





Mayday. Mayday. Day 61.
Northern light showing some brown spots. On some sugarleaves and on some fans.
Last feed of orgatrex was 5ml, 10 days ago on day 51, + 1gr bactrex.
Calcium def?
Pics with the cob on + flash.

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Chill out...she is fine. Maybe a little def late, but she is going to die soon son, and that's a good thing. Don't panic.

Nothing you can really do at this point in organics. The mycotrex helps this issue and so does the Silicium Flash. Yes, looks like Calcium or Potassium. Maybe she got too much P from the booster.

Not much you can do at this late stage. Feed her and she will finish within a couple weeks or so anyways.
Yes, @Waira knows best. I personally would lay off the PK boost a touch on her, not so much nice else and let her finish out. All the work might result in nothing at this late stage, but up to you what you want to do.
Yeah, I mean you're only couple of weeks of feeding away by the look of it. Personally at this point I like to just push them as hard as possible without completely frying them and then giving a good flush with Flawless Finish. Not the most aesthetically appealing approach but it's worked for me. These kind of small issues at this point aren't gonna be too much of a problem.
:smokeout: mates,.... :toke:

Moon I'd say it's a minor Ca defc. starting,.... Are you running purely on BioTabs? Is your water hard, like 200+ppm? How close are the lights, and are the symptoms located on the uppermost levels?
...I'd stay on feeds another week at least, since you're organic there's no real need to "flush", or more accurately, cleanse (no nuthin' but water period),... You want a good steady supply of P-K, S and micro's (Mn particularly) for final fattening/ripening, and terpene production,... At late stages, no need to hammer the feeds in, she simply won't use that much toward the end,... I like to give molasses or even honey to fizz-up the soil herd, get them busy so they scavenge and cycle the organic goodies/nutes nicely and keep a readily available supply around,...:coffee:
1fat tsp/qt will do!
.... start assessing your trich's colors now, to get a handle on the ratio of clear:cloudy:amber (likely very little now, mainly on sugar leaves- (don't account there, always on calyxes from several spots all over), and to see how fast they change,... final ripening speed can vary quite a bit plant to plant! %amber is more tricky, in uncommon cases, it's slow to form, and waiting for a certain set % may take the bud past prime for terp's and potency... Remember, amber comes from the formation of CBN, aTHC breakdown cannabinoid, the plants doesn't "make" CBN directly; CBN gives a narco-sleepy effect to the high,.....