Indoor 1Sky's Mephisto, COB (Amare) & Fastbuds GrowBattles: BioTabs vs Adv Nutes & AutoPots vs FiberPots

Impressive holding out so long on these autumnal ladies, my friend!

I'd like you to try some xxl stains next.
Hum.... what'd you have in mind? I have to say, maybe its the strain (Sour Crinkle) or maybe something I did, but the size is disappointing.

I've already started up 3 new gals, Mephisto's Cosmic Queen & Samsquanch OG, and Sweet Seed's Trainwreck. They're on day 2 above ground. These should all be medium+ size.

I'll have room and time to start up a few more in about a month -- and have a fairly good inventory of Mephistos and random others.
Here's the 2nd Sour Crinkle. Chopped on day 99 at just 12" height. Autopot on Advanced Nutrients +GreenPlanet Nutrients, etc.

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And now, for a change of pace, here's the "mutant" Fastbud LSD-25. Glad I kept her alive, 'cause I'm very interested to see what she's like, and I do have 1 more seed of this, in case I want to give it another try. She's chopped today at 23" and 101 days from sprout. Grown in 3 gallon fiber-pot on the AN/GP nutrient program.

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That's six of the eight harvested. Dry weight yields will be coming in soon. Two remaining to be chopped: the 3rd Sour Crinkle and the 3rd Creme Bubbly --- both in fiberpots on the AN/GP program, and both more substantial than their AutoPot counterparts.
Ok. Phew! Done with this grow. The last two are chopped and drying. Here's the final Sour Crinkle, this one from the Fiber Pot and on the AN/GP nute program. She's was not the tallest of the 3 Crinkles, but was definitely the chunkiest and most resinous. She was 14.5" when harvested on day 102.

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Congratulations on another grow [emoji106] and the great comp grows. I think about 2/3 the guys in my comp dropped out [emoji53][emoji848]

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
Thanks Jingo. Yeh, I been in 4 or 5 grow contests since starting early this year, and I've noted a really high drop-out rate on all of them --- something close or greater than 80%. I suspect this is due to the amount of time and effort needed to keep on top of documenting the grow and making all the photo updates in a timely manner. I know that I found it burdensome at times and may try to avoid doing two or three simultaneously again, LOL.
And the best for last ... here is the final harvest for this 8-plant grow. Its the Mephisto Creme Bubbly grown in the 3 gallon fiber pot on the AN/GP program consisting of multiple vendors nutrients -- but mostly Advanced Nutrients. Funny thing is, of the 3 Creme Bubblys grown in this run, this one was a monster compared to the other two. It was chopped on day 103 at a modest height of 23". But I think it will yield 3 times as much as either of her sisters. Go figure, eh? Here she goes:

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I'll be back in a few days with dry weights and summary thoughts on lessons learned this time around. :cheers::thumbsup::pimp:
Nice one dude, that last Creme Bubbly looks delish :slap::baked:.
Hey @Ryker604 - many thanks for the SLAPeroo, and for being so attentive throughout this grow. Much appreciated. :toke::pass: