Indoor May 2019: Zamnesia, Mephisto & Dinafem (Only1Sky)

Mephisto update. Double Grape at 50 days and BlueToof at 55 days. Despite her smaller height, the Double Grape will produce a nice crop. Her buds sites are sizable and plentiful. The BlueToof is starting to develop quite a bit of crystal fuzz (trichomes) extending from the bud sites to most of the leaves closest thereto. A few days ago I gave them each a liter of Recharge (double strength) and SLF-100 (at 5ml/gallon) as a break from their normal Advanced Nutrients feed program.

56.DG (50) b.JPG
56.BT (55) a.JPG
Day 57 for the Zam. Caramel and Dina. Critical. They also each got a liter of Recharge (double strength) and SLF-100 (at 5ml/gallon) in lieu of their normal program of GreenLeaf MegaCrop with enhancements. Here's some more detailed photos this week. For each plant, 2 angles and 2 bud shots. Enjoy. First, the Critical+2.0:

57.Crit a.JPG
57.Crit b.JPG
57.Crit c.JPG
57.Crit d.JPG

And now the Zamnesia Caramel:

57.Zam-C  b.JPG
57.Zam-C a.JPG
57.Zam-C  d.JPG
57.Zam-C c.JPG
Mephisto update. Some slight adjustments to the cocktail in the AutoPot reservoir; mostly still Advanced Nutrients plus a few others. Currently mixing: B52, cal/mag, Liquid W-8, Sensi BLOOM A & B, Big Bud, Mammoth-P, Finisher, and Overdrive. Both ladies getting pretty sticky.

Here's Double Grape at 59 days and 17.5"
65.DG (59) a.JPG
65.DG (59) d.JPG

And here is BlueToof at 64 days and 28.5"

65.BT (64) a.JPG
65.BT (64) d.JPG
Day 62 for Critical, and thought I'd snap a couple of quick bud shots. Yum.

62.Crit b.JPG
62.Crit d.JPG
Day 66 and both Dinafem Critical and Zamnesia Caramel are having a brief moment out of the tent for a little close defol & inspection and photos. The stretch is finished for Critical; she's been stable now for a few weeks at 26.5". Here she is, two views of whole plant and two views of buds.

66.Crit b.JPG
66.Crit c.JPG
66.Crit f.JPG
66.Crit g.JPG

Zamnesia Caramel is not as far along, she'll definitely go a few more weeks. Here she is at 21" - just a one inch increase over the past two weeks:

66.Zam a.JPG
66.Zam b.JPG
66.Zam c.JPG
66.Zam d.JPG
Mephisto updates. Day 66 for Double Grape:
72.DG (66) a.JPG
72.DG (66) f.JPG
72.DG (66) e.JPG
72.DG (66) d.JPG
72.DG (66) c.JPG

And day 71 for BlueToof:

72.BT (71) a.JPG
72.BT (71) c.JPG
72.BT (71) d.JPG
72.BT (71) e.JPG
Also day 71 for Zamnesia Caramel.

71.Zam b.JPG
71.Zam f.JPG

71.Zam h.JPG
71.Zam i.JPG
Dinafem Critical+2.0 is nearing perfection. Today she got 1.5 ltrs of GreenPlanet DENSE, and from here on she'll get Herculean Harvest, These photos are from her "Day 71"

71.Crit b.JPG
71.Crit f.JPG
71.Crit d.JPG
71.Crit h.JPG
Mephisto Double Grape update. Day 73 and she's packing on frosty weight :d5:

79.DG (73) b.JPG
79.DG (73) c.JPG