Indoor Zamnesia Caramel & Mephisto 4-Assed Monkey (Only1Sky)

Day 57 for the Monkeys, [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], 2 & 3 from left to right. Battle Plant is [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] in the middle. What a difference a week makes -- look at the growth on [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. Even though she's 20 days younger, she's starting to fill out beautifully and now entering pre-flower stage. :smoking:

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Here's a closer look at the Battle Plant, [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. :toke:

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57.4AM2 c.JPG

In my continuing effort to suppress the fungus gnats, I'm now mixing Mosquito Bites in with the feed liquid, and letting that brew for a few days. Hoping that the addition of this Bacillus thuringiensis will get to the root of the matter.
Day 65. :woohoo: Getting interesting now. But gosh, I now kinda wish I'd choosen [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] as the Battle Plant; she's a really trooper even at 20 days younger.

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Here's a focus on [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] complete with some of her buds.

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65.4AM2 b bud2.jpg

And Monkey [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]:

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65.4AM1 b.JPG

And of course, Monkey [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]:

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65.4AM3 (45) c.JPG
Day 71 - and look who's the dominant player now, clearly young kid [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. This I attribute solely to the fact that the first two got such a rough start by being fried and then languishing for a couple of weeks before resuming their growth. You'll also notice white powder all over the place (mostly on the soil) -- its Diatomaceous earth (DE) in another attempt to combat the fungus gnats.

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Here's the Battle Plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] in detail:

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Day 78; Battle Plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] in the middle, youngest plant [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] on left. The fungus gnats are still present, but great reduced. A thick layer of DE may have helped (IDK) but sure was a mess. Once it got watered it turned into a brittle "plaster-of-Paris" like layer. This hampered subsequent waterings, and gave the gnats a hard-top surface to dance and skate across with impunity. I've had to chisel up the DE cake into smaller chunks just so I can water effectivelyh. Ugh, I'm not going to use this again, unless using AutoPots for bottom feeding. I'm thinking that maybe a couple of weeks of feed with the Mosquite Bits may have had more effect on the gnat larvae.

78.4AM Group b.JPG

Here's close ups of each of the three Monkeys. First, the Battle Plant, [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], with a 3-segment rod of Atlas Plant Trainer to help her posture.

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Then [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] followed by [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

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Day 87, and I believe the gnats are basically gone. Whew, just wish I knew which of the multiple strategies I used was actually responsible for their defeat. Oh well. I'm sure I'll have other opportunities to battle them again in the future. For now, the Monkeys are starting to mature up nicely, especially [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] the Battle Plant:

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Her sister, [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is coming along just a bit slower and smaller:

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87.4AM1 c.JPG

And lastly, the young kid, [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] continues to be the most robust of the three:

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87.4AM3 (67) d.JPG
Here begins the section for documenting the Zamnesia Caramel. A quick review; I started by dropping two seeds. One never germinated, the other did but I fried it up royally with poor light management. Nevertheless, it survived. On day 12 I dropped a replacement seed, and it germ'ed and sprouted by day 15. But the replacement struggled.


By day 26 it was pretty clear that replacement seed was not going to make it. The stalk was too weak to support itself -- I suspect a clear case of DAMPING-OFF.

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26.Zam2 (12) c.JPG

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27.Zam2 (15) b.JPG

So I dropped yet another Zamnesia Caramel seed. It germinated, but never sprouted. Oh well, too late now to try for more. I can either abandon the 1st Leg Zamnesia Grow Battle, or march on with my wounded soldier. I chose to stay in the game as long as the plant will let me. So here's [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], the original and only on day 27. This ain't gonna be a pretty picture. :crying:

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27.Zam1 b.JPG
I'm thrilled to say that Miss Caramel has recovered and begun some healthy growth. Here she is on days 37 and 39. Throughout this recovery period I've been giving her a daily spray-misting, alternating between SM90 and Opti-Foliar. I'll continue this routine up until flowers start.
You can also see a thick layer of Diatomaceous earth as I do battle with fungus gnats.

Ten days later, day 49, and she's looking downright respectable. The problem of course is that with such a stunted start, she's never reach the size and yield that this strain is famous for. But I'm learning a lot from the process, and will be rewarded with some modest returns.

Day 57. She's at 16.5" and doing some fairly dramatic stretching. And, finally, we getting the beginning of flower development. :smoking:

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Day 65 and she's stretched up to 25" :cheers: I'm so proud of her - what a trooper !

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