Photoperiod Columbian rain forest. Help required, pleeeease?


Finding a Replacement for the painkillers we use
Oct 29, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Don't smoke.......First grow = Burple bud Fem and Super Skunk auto
Hi Guys.

I'm completely new at growing my own & have made some silly mistakes as I shall show later on. but right now my major problem is the height of my four plants which are NOT autos, in a 2ft x 2ft x 8ft high grow tent. This is my first grow

The plants from the bottom of the pots are over 5ft high. Now that poses the problem that my lights (1 x 300W Hps) (1 x 300W LED from Mars Hydro) are too close to the top of my plants......Much too close.

Now I know about trimming and FIM which must be done at earlier stages in the plants life but I learnt this info too late. I have also run out of space!

The plants are drop dead healthy but I only kicked them into flowering mode 1 week ago. I now have about 8 inches from the top of my HPS light and the LED is raised higher and is about one and a half feet from the tops of the plants.

The real question is should I simply trim the plants down from their main stem or should I just scrap two of the four plants and scrog/bend the other two as much as I can at this late stage?

I do need some help and it will be very much appreciated I can assure you.

My two remaining options are to scrap two of them or leave them somewhere and hope they are rescued by someone who can grow them out.

Thank you for listening guys, And believe me, any help will be good.

Respect.............As always.

It sounds like your allready at the end of your rope (pun intended) with only 8 inches of seperation. Because they'll grow some more yet. I've mentioned my "too tall story" from the first grow but the plants were closer to finishing. Theres a good 6 inches in most light hangers considering the ratchet length along with the bracket on top of the light.
I elimenated both in a creative fashion then just grit my teeth. Then repositioned 2 of the taller plants to the sides where they grew right by the light (400hps) with no burn!

Due to where they are in the cycle im throwing in with others on the trimming them down thing.
i hang my light as high as possible and raise/lower individual plants as needed.
001 (2).JPG

lots of trimming,bending and should be able to take it easily and bounce back to.
good luck.
i hang my light as high as possible and raise/lower individual plants as needed.
View attachment 829462
lots of trimming,bending and should be able to take it easily and bounce back to.
good luck.
Hey Archie!
Good idea to hang the LED like that, it will gain me a little space. I've given two plants away to a happy bunny who suggested I got into this growing thing in the first place. He has a heated green house so is well pleased. (I would ask him to put mine in there but he lives about 300 miles from me). Also I love the idea of raising & lowering the plants not the lights

I did start a log and have just noted that I am in week 16!! I've also done a few pics as some of the others have suggested, it would certainly help, I agree.
Hopefully here are the pics:.....

Week 12. I've removed two autos & photos from here now.
week 12a.jpg

Which leaves these four plants. The big picture....
weed male0020.JPG

A bit cramped.....The two at the back are taller than the two at the front.
weed male0014.JPG

So there we are. There's precious little room in the 2 x 2 tent but not a lot I can do about it. Maybe I should just trash those at the back & concentrate on the two left, what do you think matey?

Thanks again for the input Archie, you were right this really is a great site.

Pics would help alot we can't see we can really tell u much

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Thanks dagger,
Have just put some pics on below. Hope it helps to clarify my problem which is I have no more space either upwood or outwoods. I have given two plants away which will help a little & the two autos which were in the front in the first picture have also gone. Appreciate any help.......Cheers
looking good a lil cramped but have flipped to 12/12 ? 2 photos at the back,autos front ? the autos will be out of the tent before photos ready so a lil more space gained later.
If they are not in flower, you can cut her back quite a bit, give her a couple weeks and then switch to flower.... but yeah, till we see photos, we're kinda pissin in the dark.

There we go, I've put some pics on which will hopefully be of some help. I am now in week 16 but the very first pic was week 12, so now I just have the four plants in the 2 x 2 tent of which the two at the back are the tallest.

Thanks again for your help matey peeps!

There we go, I've put some pics on which will hopefully be of some help. I am now in week 16 but the very first pic was week 12, so now I just have the four plants in the 2 x 2 tent of which the two at the back are the tallest.

Thanks again for your help matey peeps!

These are photos, yes? Am just making sure... if so, you can do a heavy trim, give them a week or so to get over the shock, and flip the lights. I've never counted weeks on my photos while in the vegetative stage, but start when the lights flip to count weeks (days) in flower. You might think about getting ready for clones if you have the mind too, you'll have plenty of prime cuttings.