Photoperiod Columbian rain forest. Help required, pleeeease?

That is exactly what i would do in this situation.

Either that or alternate 12 hours with half the plants in a dark room, and half in the grow room and run the light 24hours, then switch every 12 hours....would be too much work though!! If you wanted to really maximize your output and were prepared to do the work twice daily, this "could" be an option.
Too much work for my old bones!
Yeah you would have to be hardcore dedicated to pull that off!! I don't think i would do it either...but if i was 25 i would have. :D

Couldn't agree more with you both on the 24 hour shift thing, too much for me too!.........Think I'll write a song, how does it go............
"No matter what we get out of this
I know, I know we'll never forget"........