Indoor Bud Beast LED Test

I don't no for sure whats going on but I tried coco before and had lots of problem so I just stick with potting soil.Maybe Waira can figure it out.
cheers nammy..
i just remembered @blue uses canna coco. blue can you do me a favor and check my previous post about my coco and pH? do you have any input on this issue?
:smoking: hey Trip! Hmmm, some weird shizz happening here,...we may need to consult a coco-nut guru, as I am not one myself,... firstly, let's eliminate potential sources of error... Your pH meter, calibrated recently (best results from 7.0 and 4.0), and with proper storage solution? TDS meter, not usually needing calibrating, but after they get on the older side, it's wise to check it out, buy some calibration solution recommended by the maker,.... and the A8 unit, do you buff it out well before use after storing, and wipe clean after each use? The metal's can tarnish/corrode, which will screw up accuracy.... overly wet and dry-ish media, especially ones that have been very recently given pH adjusted water/feeds will skew results as well,...
Given this all is OK, Canna is top Q' brand, shouldn't need to be rinsed before used,... You used that 120ppm Ca-Mg + 80 ppm Verokelp solution, right? :thumbsup: Oh, what's the water source and ppm?
..... so your run-off from this solution was 1250ppm, 6.4pH,... is that adjusted ppm's?-- minus the 220 from solution, assuming near zero water base ppm? I'm wondering why the rinse ppm is so high, near 1000, if all the above is OK,... straight coco from the bag was OK pH, just water added, not even Ca-Mg? You mentioned 'feeding", you mean after your rinsed with the 250ppm/5.8 soln. you added actual nutes? -- confusing here mate,... as far as I know, perlite shouldn't affect pH or ppm,... but is the perlite even necessary in pots this size? ... bottom line is, pH is going up in your treated coco, even w/o plants in there affecting pH,... This sucks, as the usual coco gurus I know here are gone, save Blue,.... I would email Canna as well, present the case clearly and concisely,...
what Ca-Mg are you using? I'm trying to account for all the carbonate inputs, as this is the ion that's involved directly with pH buffering,... and not to be confused with the cation exchange capacity buffering involving Ca, K, Mg,... your water source is critical to this, if it's tap,...
...Trip, just to be sure, get some perlite, RO/Di water, fill a big cup up with perlite, top with water, and let it set for say 1/2 hour, then test pH/ppm,... it's should be totally inert...
Your pH meter, calibrated recently (best results from 7.0 and 4.0), and with proper storage solution? TDS meter, not usually needing calibrating, but after they get on the older side, it's wise to check it out, buy some calibration solution recommended by the maker,.... and the A8 unit, do you buff it out well before use after storing, and wipe clean after each use? The metal's can tarnish/corrode, which will screw up accuracy.... overly wet and dry-ish media, especially ones that have been very recently given pH adjusted water/feeds will skew results as well,.
ph meter is calibrated before every feeding ( i learned from that one haha) havent calibrated the blue lab ppm meter lately but im pretty sure its still on. and about the A8 yes i buff it before use and wipe it dry with a towel after use. i also wait to take a reading with it after i feed/water.

Given this all is OK, Canna is top Q' brand, shouldn't need to be rinsed before used,... You used that 120ppm Ca-Mg + 80 ppm Verokelp solution, right? :thumbsup: Oh, what's the water source and ppm?
yeah im pretty sure i never rinsed it before using before i just didnt know what else to do with this bag. yup thats the feed thats what i rinsed it with . water source is tap water at 7.6pH and 40ppm. i havent bubbled my water like i used to this grow but it still sits out for 12-24 hrs before i feed with it. could the not bubbling the water be letting my nute solution buffer up with the water?:shrug: after just thinking about this i went up and put my airstone in the 5gal bucket(not in my res though) for the next feeding.

so your run-off from this solution was 1250ppm, 6.4pH,... is that adjusted ppm's?-- minus the 220 from solution, assuming near zero water base ppm? I'm wondering why the rinse ppm is so high, near 1000, if all the above is OK,.
yes the initial runoff was that and i ran some more throught it and 2nd catch got like 600ppm and 6.5 and 3rd time(all done within 15 mins of each other) it was 350 and 6.6 which is when i ignored runoff pH bcause runoff pH is not accurate in coco so i rely on my A8.

straight coco from the bag was OK pH, just water added, not even Ca-Mg? You mentioned 'feeding", you mean after your rinsed with the 250ppm/5.8 soln. you added actual nutes? -- confusing here mate,... as far as I know, perlite shouldn't affect pH or ppm,... but is the perlite even necessary in pots this size? ... bottom line is, pH is going up in your treated coco, even w/o plants in there affecting pH,...
no i gave the pure coco out the bag the same 250 ppm feed as the rinsed coco with perlite. i now perlite shouldnt have an effect on pH especially because i washed it before putting it in the coco.

what Ca-Mg are you using? I'm trying to account for all the carbonate inputs, as this is the ion that's involved directly with pH buffering,... and not to be confused with the cation exchange capacity buffering involving Ca, K, Mg,... your water source is critical to this, if it's tap,...
im usuing my usual botanicare calmag + and havent had problems with it before in coco? im wondering if my water source has something in it effecting pH and making it rise?
oh so i did another test yesterday with my water... so i always used to pH AFTER adding nutes but i seen somewhere someone had a similar problem and they recommended pHing down the water 1st before adding nutes. now when i add my nutes 1st i get a pH of 6.4 usually and i need to pH it down to 5.8 but then after sitting for say 12 hrs the ph will rise back up to say 6.2 and needs pH back down again.
so what i did was pH the water down 1st from 7.6 then add nutes and it came out to 5.6 so i just added some rhizotonic to get me to 5.7-5.8 and it held there or it may have raised by like .1 which is alot better than my previous method. im gonna do this test again i think so i can have a definitive answer to the test.
hope this helps you out waira i tried to be as indepth as possible but may have missed something just let m know. oh and :slap: for your time
...Trip, just to be sure, get some perlite, RO/Di water, fill a big cup up with perlite, top with water, and let it set for say 1/2 hour, then test pH/ppm,... it's should be totally inert...
ok going to do this now... oh so i had the new mephisto testers in that rinsed coco, so today i took all them out and put them in the pure coco and gave them the 250 ppm feed at 5.8 before planting and put back into the propagator. hope they do ok in that new pure coco.:coco:
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sorry to see ur troubles.nice light. ur light matches my name i need it haha;) . best of luck dude. now grow some monsters. show us all what this light can do;) all the best and happy growing;)
Waira i had to edit that previous post, my tap water pH and ppm it is 7.6pH not 6.8 and ppm of 40 not 20. i just moved and we still have the same water supplier so i figured it would be the same
sorry to see ur troubles.nice light. ur light matches my name i need it haha;) . best of luck dude. now grow some monsters. show us all what this light can do;) all the best and happy growing;)
yes its a great light i just need to get this pH thing taken care of and then i can finally get back to growing monsters:growing:
Waira i had to edit that previous post, my tap water pH and ppm it is 7.6pH not 6.8 and ppm of 40 not 20. i just moved and we still have the same water supplier so i figured it would be the same

yes its a great light i just need to get this pH thing taken care of and then i can finally get back to growing monsters:growing:
good man. wish u the best of luck. happy growing;)
Trip for the first three weeks i don't water till run off or use calmag 5 ltrs of quarter strength feed between 3 /15 ltr pots the day before i plant the pre germed seed then feed the same for the first week then up it by 0.25 ml a ltr till i get tip burn after 3 weeks they go in the autopots but i never water to run off I'm a tight arse like that oh i use canna coco right out the bag with perlite you want the roots to spread out so less big feeds more smaller ones

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Trip for the first three weeks i don't water till run off or use calmag 5 ltrs of quarter strength feed between 3 /15 ltr pots the day before i plant the pre germed seed then feed the same for the first week then up it by 0.25 ml a ltr till i get tip burn after 3 weeks they go in the autopots but i never water to run off I'm a tight arse like that oh i use canna coco right out the bag with perlite you want the roots to spread out so less big feeds more smaller ones

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hey wile, i wish i had your canna coco! :crying: but when i fed at 5.7-5.8 and in a cpl hours the pH in the coco rises to 6.2-6.4 the plants just dont grow:shrug: no nutrient deficiencies just VERY SLOW GROWTH due to the pH being sub par. my best growth in coco is 5.7-5.9 in veg and 5.9-6.1 in flower in all my previous coco runs and growth slows down out side of them ranges for me
hey wile, i wish i had your canna coco! :crying: but when i fed at 5.7-5.8 and in a cpl hours the pH in the coco rises to 6.2-6.4 the plants just dont grow:shrug: no nutrient deficiencies just VERY SLOW GROWTH
Try and water at 5.5 if your pH is rising that fast have to be honest never ever checked the run off pH in all the time I've grown not opening that can of worms [emoji16]vladders was having problems with soil he's flying now with coco and autopots

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