Indoor Bud Beast LED Test

Just read back dude just over 21 days old feed 200 ml a day don't worry about run off till they start to really drink my drip used to feed 100 ml a minute from week three i would have it running twice a day a minute at a time then up it every week till it was running 8x a day just to give you an idea how much to feed oh and get some autopots piece of piss [emoji16]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
I don't water till run off any more waste of nutes [emoji16] trip I've ran a 25 ltr res of feed through 3 week old girls before by accident and no problems if your worried feed them 200 ml a day that's what i used to feed on the drip to start off with that's why i love coco it's very hard to overwater and when you think about it with autopots there in water all the time [emoji106] did you mix in perlite with your coco?

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
yup got about 20% perlite in there, i was thinking of watering to runoff to get rid of some salts since they look a little over fed. what i just did was mix up 200ppm calmag+,70ppm velokelp(1.5ml/L) and 1.5ml/L rhizotonic came out to 340ppm and pH to 5.7 and i fed the night queen and 1 silton till i got a some runoff to see how they react. i let the other 3 autos alone for now just INCASE they are over watered:shrug:

Just read back dude just over 21 days old feed 200 ml a day don't worry about run off till they start to really drink my drip used to feed 100 ml a minute from week three i would have it running twice a day a minute at a time then up it every week till it was running 8x a day just to give you an idea how much to feed oh and get some autopots piece of piss [emoji16]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
ok yeah wile i was thinking of doing 250ml a day but with feeding such low volume of feed i was worried about the pH getting out of wack at the bottom of the pot? god i feel like a total noob in coco again

:crying:and i got a 4pot auto pot system but i ran into problems with it i believe due to me not using their air tubing for the airdomes and put it away and just forgot about it lol
yup got about 20% perlite in there, i was thinking of watering to runoff to get rid of some salts since they look a little over fed. what i just did was mix up 200ppm calmag+,70ppm velokelp(1.5ml/L) and 1.5ml/L rhizotonic came out to 340ppm and pH to 5.7 and i fed the night queen and 1 silton till i got a some runoff to see how they react. i let the other 3 autos alone for now just INCASE they are over watered:shrug:

ok yeah wile i was thinking of doing 250ml a day but with feeding such low volume of feed i was worried about the pH getting out of wack at the bottom of the pot? god i feel like a total noob in coco again

:crying:and i got a 4pot auto pot system but i ran into problems with it i believe due to me not using their air tubing for the airdomes and put it away and just forgot about it lol
Il relieve you of that auto pot system if its in the way lol too cheap to buy my own 145 quid haha maybe il start wirh two and add on to it

Sent from my HUAWEI CUN-L01 using Tapatalk
yup got about 20% perlite in there, i was thinking of watering to runoff to get rid of some salts since they look a little over fed. what i just did was mix up 200ppm calmag+,70ppm velokelp(1.5ml/L) and 1.5ml/L rhizotonic came out to 340ppm and pH to 5.7 and i fed the night queen and 1 silton till i got a some runoff to see how they react. i let the other 3 autos alone for now just INCASE they are over watered:shrug:

ok yeah wile i was thinking of doing 250ml a day but with feeding such low volume of feed i was worried about the pH getting out of wack at the bottom of the pot? god i feel like a total noob in coco again

:crying:and i got a 4pot auto pot system but i ran into problems with it i believe due to me not using their air tubing for the airdomes and put it away and just forgot about it lol
Do you know what trip I've never checked the pH of my coco ever ignorance is bliss in some cases trust me I'm a scouser [emoji23][emoji23] I've also never flooded a pot well not for the first 3 weeks at least remember KISS and stop worrying about your pH as long as your feeding in the correct pH range your golden [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
Il relieve you of that auto pot system if its in the way lol too cheap to buy my own 145 quid haha maybe il start wirh two and add on to it

Sent from my HUAWEI CUN-L01 using Tapatalk
Fookin hell stoney T get yourself a two pot system on flea Bay set you back £50 to £60 quid [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
Fookin hell stoney T get yourself a two pot system on flea Bay set you back £50 to £60 quid [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
Thats a big difference to the 90 my local shop wants for a two pot il have a look thanks wile

Sent from my HUAWEI CUN-L01 using Tapatalk
Do you know what trip I've never checked the pH of my coco ever ignorance is bliss in some cases trust me I'm a scouser [emoji23][emoji23] I've also never flooded a pot well not for the first 3 weeks at least remember KISS and stop worrying about your pH as long as your feeding in the correct pH range your golden [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
yeah pH is right on going in. i just get worried when they arnt praying so ill probe them with my A8 Soil probe
thanks wile:slap:

Fookin hell stoney T get yourself a two pot system on flea Bay set you back £50 to £60 quid [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

Il relieve you of that auto pot system if its in the way lol too cheap to buy my own 145 quid haha maybe il start wirh two and add on to it

Sent from my HUAWEI CUN-L01 using Tapatalk
lol yeah man i would just get the 2pot system and add on to it when your able like wile said
Thats a big difference to the 90 my local shop wants for a two pot il have a look thanks wile

Sent from my HUAWEI CUN-L01 using Tapatalk
Just pm'd you dude with a nice 4 pot system cheaper than the hydro store wanted for a two pot [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
Okay guys things are looking better today yesterday what I did was I decided to feed two plants till runoff, feed a plant lightly at 250 Mills and then I left to alone. My goal in this was to see which ones reacted more favorably and this morning I came in my tent and the two that I fed until runoff are looking just how I want and the one that I fed 250 Mills looks decent also the only ones that look pretty much the same as yesterday are the ones that I did not feed so I've come to the conclusion that they needed more water which is very confusing to me after they drooped after feeding them 2 days in a row... whatever I'm just hoping that this is behind us and we can finally start growing.
Here are the ones that got fed till runoff

Stilton 1 got the 250 mills of feed

And the 2 that didn't get any feed yesterday but I just fed till runoff right before these pictures

Now let's hope I can get some peace and quiet of of these girls and they can start actually growing like I'm used to:headbang:
Group shot before we go
Ok guys so I decided to set up my drip system tonight. I have it set so that they get fed once for 1 minute, which is 130mls 30 mins after lights on and another 1 minute feed halfway through their light cycle which totals about 250 mls a day for now like wile was doing.
For now I mixed up 2gals of feed consisting of 250ppm(1.5ml/L) calmag+ and 120 ppm remo Grow. With my tap water ppm is 390. pH is 5.8
I put a little extra(.5ml/l) Calmag I'm because they were showing some mag def. Although I think that's a little high ppm calmag for these sized plants. What do you guys think?
I'm anxious to see how they respond with the drip feeding now
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