Indoor Bud Beast LED Test

I think that extra calmag is a good call. They look a little hungry for magnesium to me.
Im sure once the root structure spreads out theyll start to eat everything you throw at them bud
Thanks sang,Yeah sang I agree. I was just worried about my botanicare Calmag plus being 2-0-0 and some of the girls still look a little heavy on their N . I did just get back from the tent and was feeling the leaves and they are feeling less rough and more soft and leafy so they seem to be rebounding. All but the night queen are 23 days old today and the night queen is day 25.
The night Queen I have appears to be the short and fast phenotype as she is already getting heavy preflowers. I was reading on the Dutch Passion site on tangs grow of it and his only got to 19 inches and the other phenotype got to 27 inches I believe it was. Here is a pic from the DP website
anq ant1cShortFastP.jpg
Okay guys so since I've hooked the drip system up they look a hundred percent better. I took a few pics this morning for you guys to show you the progress. Now let's grow some damn cannabis!:smoking::smokeit:
Tangie 1

Stilton 1


Night queen short and fast pheno
OK guys so I've given up hope on these girls that they will get to a reasonable size...
it seems that once I get them back on track they'll do good for a day or so and then just turned to s***. This is definitely not the lights fault and purely mine as I'm trying to get used to Coco again.
First we dealt with some over or under watering issues and now my ph is starting to swing up for some reason. I understand that when Plants feed in Coco the pH Rises but this is just rising faster than I normally see I will feed it 5.8 and the next morning when I come in to check my pH its at 6.2 to 6.3 and as a result of this my plants are not looking happy. I'm looking forward to just getting this grow out of the way and starting fresh.
Here's pics from this morning.
Okay guys so I'm prepping some pots and since I'm having trouble with this previous Coco grow I've decided to try something that I didn't do with the last ones. I have decided to rinse out the 70/30 Cocoa pots before I plant the babies. I am testing the run off initially the PPM's came out at 1250 ppm and the pH was 6.4 so I'm imagining this has something to do with my previous grow not going right. I have never rinsed out my Coco before using it which is why I didn't do it on the last grow but I will see if its makes a difference. I am pre charging the Cocoa with 120 PPM's of cal mag + and 80 ppm of velokelp which totals 220ppm with my water pH to 5.8 until my runoff ppm equals what I'm putting in.
tonight i put 2 Mephisto Fantasmo Express in a cup of water and they will be replacing the night queen and 1 other small auto that will be going into my Photo period 12/12 flowering tent which has plenty of room.
i will get a good grow under this damn light if it kills me! :funny:
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OK so I just got in the new Memphisto testers yesterday :headbang:

i germinated 2 Strawberry nuggets,2 forum stompers and 1 forgotten cookies lastnight so I'm thinking I will put 1 Strawberry nuggets and 1 forum stomper under the bud beast to restart this grow under this light and the old ones that are under it now except for the best silton special will be going into my 12/12 tent which has plenty of space at the moment because my space in my auto tent is precious :pighug:
here is the status of the girls.both the tangie's feed is turned off since she showing overwatering i will turn it back on tomorrow slowly but the rest are praying to the bud beast!


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Looking loads better already trip. Those testers sound tasty- people been waiting on a strawberry auto for a long time!
thanks sang they are really testing my grow skills thats for sure lol but yeah all healthy no deficiencies or anything so thats good just needed to get the light Dialed in for veg distances and get used to coco again. i was too eager to feed/water them and gave them a little too much since i rememeber everyone saying you cant over water in coco. well i seem to have forgotten that they meant fully rooted plants :crying:
anytime that i get my plants rooted up properly i end up with big chunky fuckers so now i know what my problem was we can move on.
oh well sang its all part of being a grower right? live and learn from your mistakes:pass:
Okay guys so I did a little experiment to see how this Canna Coco reacts, I just got in another bag and didn't put any perlit in it and did not flush it like I did the other cup/batch and look at the results of the buffering capacity on them. I fed at 5.8 and 250 ppm and checked it today (24 hrs later)
Cup without wash or perlite

And the cup of coco from my previous bag with added perlite and washed/preflushed with 250 ppm and 5.8 pH and then fed with the same feed
any body have any idea what's going on and what's going on in this coco? @Waximus @briman @Waira @namvet25 you guys are the 1st ppl to come to my mind for help any ideas? I'm open to ideas from any other coco knowledgeable people also obviously! I would LOVE to get this straightened out before I plant the next round of babies
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I don't no for sure whats going on but I tried coco before and had lots of problem so I just stick with potting soil.Maybe Waira can figure it out.