Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs

Not really an update since the pictures are from two days ago, but here are some pics and a short video timelapse test I’m working on. It isn’t very long or great, just some initial position testing of the camera. Also notice the banding, which I assume is from the COBs drivers. Not sure how to get rid of that, but still playing with all the camera’s settings. The camera is a Mobius ActionCam I had been using as a dash cam.




Timelapse test
The sluts are lookin' pretty sexy, HS. Is it too early to judge between Barneys' and Fast Buds' LSD-25?
Also, did you see my pm to you re. lighting questions?
The sluts are lookin' pretty sexy, HS. Is it too early to judge between Barneys' and Fast Buds' LSD-25?
Also, did you see my pm to you re. lighting questions?
Sorry been out of it for a couple days. Way behind updating here as well. :smoking:
I would have to go back through my old journal to compare growth up to this stage. To be fair though, there is no comparing growth between autos and photos of the same strain. Mainly because of the introduction of the ruderalis gene. The real test for me anyhow, will be the effect of the medicine. FB’s strain is some of the best daytime smoke I have ever had.

Hadn’t noticed your pm, sorry will look at it as soon as I finish my update.
Day 61 / 30 / 17

Girls are looking pretty good. Started added 1ml per liter of AN Cal/Mag to the mix along with some Terpinator. Both I had laying around and would like to get them used up. With this mix my EC after subtracting for my tap water was 2.0 or 1000ppm. They were getting some serious tip burn on the week 3 flower ratios, so I added enough water to bring it down to 1.5EC or 750ppm. This seems to be what some other users of MC have noticed, a need to backoff the nutes when the girls switch to flower.

Last time I lowered the lights it was to 24 inches above and the ladies have reduced that further to 22 inches on their own. Tallest are Juanita and Kaya at 17 inches, with the shortest being Bobbie at 15”. Completed my DIY cob conversion on my first PlatinumLED and it’s pumping out 140 watts of cob goodness on the girls. This brings me up to 300w of cob light in my 3x3 versus the 360w of Blurple I use to have and the ladies are looking up to it.

Still working out the kinks in my timelapse filming of the tent, but having some issues. I need to try and find a way to shield a USB cable more. Trying to get rid of the banding I’m picking up in the pictures caused by the autocobs drivers.

Some group shots including one showing the cleanup under the ladies skirts.




And here’s the ladies one by one.









Some flower closeups




Happy Growing everyone! :vibes:&:karmacloud:
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.... To be fair though, there is no comparing growth between autos and photos of the same strain. Mainly because of the introduction of the ruderalis gene. The real test for me anyhow, will be the effect of the medicine. FB’s strain is some of the best daytime smoke I have ever had.

Hadn’t noticed your pm, sorry will look at it as soon as I finish my update.

Sorry, I missed the fact that Barney's was a photo strain, disregard that question please :dizzy:.
The girls are looking like they have pretty well recovered from the earlier stress. Yeah, I see the tip burn on a couple of spots but that's to be expected occasionally. I've actually used that as a gauge of how much nutes a strain can take.
I'll be watching closely how their stretch reacts as they grow into the light.
Looking good !!!! Little late stopping by I grew the auto version of these and really loved them I'm sure the photos are going to be good. How did you convert your p 300s to cobs?. I have 450s and really haven't been impressed with them. If you have a link would love to have it
Looking good !!!! Little late stopping by I grew the auto version of these and really loved them I'm sure the photos are going to be good. How did you convert your p 300s to cobs?. I have 450s and really haven't been impressed with them. If you have a link would love to have it
I really don’t have a link. Most of the info I got in this post
And in the DIY section of this forum. I posted pictures of the inside of the panel including the led drivers and submitted it to that post questioning the best way to upgrade it. Then be sure to tag @BigSm0 and he will offer suggestions as to what will run with those drivers. Some very helpful people over there so be sure to pick their brains. It had been awhile since I did any electrical work so had to refresh my memory on a lot of it. I was able to do both of my P300s for for less than $200 with the parts and materials needed. I was also able to do the entire build with no soldering involved.

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All caught up now, sorry for not checking in sooner Hemi, this is an awesome grow friend.

You have everything on point! Great to see you harnessing the power of the COBs!
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I gotta say much respect on the cob conversion. I spent a ridiculous amount on the 450's I have and would love to Frankenstein them. The only problem is time I have a strong circuitry background but can see the cobs have some strange voltages will have to study this one. Here's something outside the "box" with autopots
All caught up now, sorry for not checking in sooner Hemi, this is an awesome grow friend.

You have everything on point! Great to see you harnessing the power of the COBs!
Good to see you drop by. I don’t know about having everything on point but they are still growing at least, even with my co2 experiment that almost went horribly wrong. :nono: That will teach me to play around with things outside my comfort zone.