Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs

Hey guys and gals. If you been following along I have been having a deficiency with my ladies, Juanita and Kaya. I have upped the ppm of their feed by about 250 last night in hopes to nip this in the bud. I’m not even seeing it on the MC ladies in the front. Here a a few picture, I would appreciate any input on this. Between messing around with my environment, lights, and changing nutrients I’m a little worried about my lousy deficiency diagnostic abilities.





Here are a few taken under normal lighting with and without flash.
59BE90CA-C578-47A9-B837-9A99A0794C5D.jpeg 623BA705-C1A3-44EA-AC9A-69126CE5ADB5.jpeg 3E84A170-94C2-48A4-B0B0-CBAD00345C81.jpeg FC097A99-B51C-444E-821F-30FE9E9C25A7.jpeg 8FD562C1-498E-42BB-A07E-E4C0E7DFE1FC.jpeg 42127E28-23B3-4217-9536-8F97D0997CE2.jpeg A575CB71-8E20-4063-A111-571AA65871F6.jpeg 6D00DF24-3E2B-4D52-A61C-13C7253F70E7.jpeg 2261E1EE-2275-4758-9D79-BAD3D7FFF60A.jpeg
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I have a couple of the LSDs at a friends house under one of my PlatinumLED Blurple panels and they are staying short also. So, I think you may be right about the strain not being a big stretcher. Also I have to keep reminding myself that I flipped them early. 30 days was not a lot of veg time.

I'm never really desperate for meds, my grow buddy and I always have something going at either location, when one of us is short, the other usually has some. Plus we are friends with a rather large outdoor grower and he throws away all his trim. Needless to say we are more than willing to help him take the trash out. Then the mini washing machine and my bubble bags get a heck of a workout. I love making hash from others’ trash. Last time he called us over we spent the weekend hashing it out and produced 1/4 pound of hash. Not bad for being a garbage collector. :rofl:

Now that my state has medical, I have a patient card. Although we have some of the highest dispensary prices ($160 a gram for concentrates) in the country and the most restrictive rules possible. Just give me a legal plant count and I will finally be happy.:cooldance:
What mini washing machine do you use? I maybe in the market for one.

I guess you can not beat that arrangement. I'm in CO. I have the legal right to grow 6 plants plus 6 additional for my wife. Tho I stay with 4 at a time.

Best of daze my garbage collector friend. :bighug:
Sorry. I am not much help with saying what is wrong. Using the AN Nutes PH All I ever see is some nute burn.
So I take it you are liking the MC nutes.

Hey guys and gals. If you been following along I have been having a deficiency with my ladies, Juanita and Kaya. I have upped the ppm of their feed by about 250 last night in hopes to nip this in the bud. I’m not even seeing it on the MC ladies in the front. Here a a few picture, I would appreciate any input on this. Between messing around with my environment, lights, and changing nutrients I’m a little worried about my lousy deficiency diagnostic abilities.
What mini washing machine do you use? I maybe in the market for one.

I guess you can not beat that arrangement. I'm in CO. I have the legal right to grow 6 plants plus 6 additional for my wife. Tho I stay with 4 at a time.

Best of daze my garbage collector friend. :bighug:
Here is the machine we use.
Amazon product
It’s makes making bubble hash so easy compared to other methods. Especially if you have a lot of material to process. As far as I’m concerned, anytime you can spend a weekend with a good friend partying, loading the washing machine, and produce a 1/4 pound of hash for the cost of some ice it’s a great thing.

I only wish I had a legal plant count of six. I would stick to it like a good legal cannabis user. If that happens here I would start 3 tents. One for clones/seedlings, one for veg and one for flower. Have two in each one and probably produce at least 1/2 pound every 30 days with a perpetual grow. I dream, someday I will have a lush outdoor garden of various strains and no one wants to steal them or arrest me for them. Why? Because it’s so legal that no one even notices them anymore. Enjoy your garden!

Sorry. I am not much help with saying what is wrong. Using the AN Nutes PH All I ever see is some nute burn.
So I take it you are liking the MC nutes.
Yea I have used AN and usually have to still add a bunch of cal/mag when growing in coco. The MC nutes are looking good so far. I’m still very tempted to just switch the other two over to MC just to see if this clears up.
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Thanks for the info. I too would be tempted to use the MC on the problem ladies. Or at least one of them.
I’m still kicking it around. I have mix a teaspoon of Epsom salts into a gallon of water last night, pH it down to 6.5 and sprayed Kaya down with it this morning right after lights out. I’m hoping some foliar feedings of mg water might help. If not I will add her to the MC reservoir to see if it can be corrected that way. Will know better tonight after lights on.

I also increased the set temp for my exhaust fan to come on at 90f. This has them cycling from 75f during lights off, up tp 91 with the lights on. My humidity has been holding pretty good between 45-65%. The co2 has been as high as 2300ppm and the lowest it’s has been over the last week was 1100. Average is right around 1600. It’s funny watching girls drink the co2. Start of lights on it will be 2200+, if I leave the tent sealed for the entire 12 hours right before lights out the co2 will be done to 1200ppm. As soon as I open it the tent rises back to 1500, so I truly feel they are utilizing the extra co2 along with the extra heat.
Looks like.mag deficiency to me.
Thanks I used my pump sprayer tonight and sprayed all four down down. I should have known to start adding more over my base nutes. Even the ones on MC are starting to show signs.
Hmmmm, anytime I see yellowing leaves I automatically go to not enough nitrogen, but that usually exhibits on older lower leaves.
My next choice would be magnesium deficiency - I think you are using RO / other purified water source? Cal-Mag def's are common in coco with purified water. But again, that's usually seen on older / lower leaves first. Nitrogen and magnesium are pretty mobile nutes so the plant can pull from older leaves to satisfy newer growth needs.
Maybe it's the picture angle but I don't see any symptoms on your lower leaves? Save for one that is an early fan leaf that needs to go away anyhow.
That leaves zinc deficiency, which DOES appear first on younger leaves, and leaf tips WILL get discolored and start dying (your smallest / right-front plant).

Zinc deficiency is often a stress related issue that will clear up on its own after the stress is removed. Have you had any recent heat or high pH fluctuations? Zinc is best absorbed in the lower 5.5 - 6.0 range. I don't buy into AN's claims at pH stability. Seems good in pure hydro but not so much in-the-pot when there are other grow mediums involved, so don't assume....
Your temps reach 91 before ventilation? You ARE running CO2 enrichment, which will help with heat tolerance, but personally I'd try to keep it no higher than 85F even with enrichment.

So, my best guess leans toward zinc, perhaps stress induced, BUT MORE LIKELY from your low 250ppm nute regimen. I seem to recall that LSD-25 is a nute hungry strain, and with pure water, cal-mag supplementation ONLY will reach 250. I'd go to 500ppm and see how they react.
@Waira would you concur? Anything I overlooked?