Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs

No problem. I use this same LST with autos as well. I love nothing more than to tie them down and watch them struggle to get back to the lights. It’s amazing how fast they achieve their goal.

Only recently saw the clothespin trick, here I believe, and decided to try it versus the plant wire. I tied them down again this morning, but used the wire to hold their tops down. This will keep them from lifting those clothespins to the COBs. And yes the clothespins add extra weight without having to find a place to secure the end of a wire or tie down. If one isn’t heavy enough u can always clip another one to the first, gravity is your friend. Using the notch in the pin to keep from adding pressure to the branch. I top autos as well, but the timing for topping an auto is much more narrow.

Be sure to start a journal here and tag me in when you start your next grow. There are so many helpful people here, that starting a journal can only help. I journal here mainly to keep myself on track and I have never found any grower software or apps that are any better than this method. Plus, no software can get you feedback like this. :crying:

Ah mate sorry for this delayed reply, haven't been online for ages. Thanks for your advice and explanation. I will start a journal on the next run for sure!

Cheers again!
How? Supercrop? Ties? I think I would rather top. Its so easy and effective and never had an issue with it.
Agreed topping is very effective. I was merely saying there are ways to do this without cutting the top off and thought I had explained how.
You just need to constantly lower the dominant cola below the height of the other bud sites, redistributing the auxins to them making them all think they are the dominant one.

So instead of cutting the top off lower it using ties, fish weights, or some of the other low stress methods. By keeping it low her hormones will be redistributed to the other bud sites. This will cause those bud sites to think they are dominant and they will start stretching upwards. I keep ties on parts of my ladies all through flower to keep the canopy as open and even as possible.
Day 45 / 14 / 1

Well we have hit the second week after the flip and all 4 ladies are showing very fine pistils. Too fine to really see in a photo yet but they are there. The two on Technaflora are both showing what looks to be magnesium deficiencies and after the pictures I hosed them down with some optic foliar. I will probably up their nutrients this weekend. The 2 on Mega Crop are looking fine even after upping their feed to 750ppm. I have tied Bobbie down because, since she hasn’t been topped, she is trying to zoom past her sisters.







Happy Growing everyone!
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Day 46 / 15 / 2

Just a quick update, MC ladies are lapping it up and looking good. The TF ladies were looking better after the foliar spray and lights out. After lights on for a few hours though I could really see the fading on their leaves again. They were down to less than two inches in the reservoir, so I mixed up a gallon of full strength nutes (1400 ppm) and mixed it into the reservoir with some fresh water bringing it down to 1000ppm with a pH of 6.02 This is up from the 750ppm feeding last fillup.

While I had the reservoir taps turned off I also removed the filter and washed it out. Took the 60ml syringe and blew air through both of the autovalves and pushed 120ml of the nutrient mix through the water line from the tent to the reservoir and then a couple syringes full of air to clear anything that might be building up in the line. Reinserted the filter and turned the taps back on.

Finally have one nice sunny warm day here and the world looks wonderful out there. So I’m getting out before the sun remembers it is suppose to be hiding behind a cloud somewhere. Happy Growing everyone! :vibes:
Day 46 / 15 / 2

Just a quick update, MC ladies are lapping it up and looking good. The TF ladies were looking better after the foliar spray and lights out. After lights on for a few hours though I could really see the fading on their leaves again. They were down to less than two inches in the reservoir, so I mixed up a gallon of full strength nutes (1400 ppm) and mixed it into the reservoir with some fresh water bringing it down to 1000ppm with a pH of 6.02 This is up from the 750ppm feeding last fillup.

While I had the reservoir taps turned off I also removed the filter and washed it out. Took the 60ml syringe and blew air through both of the autovalves and pushed 120ml of the nutrient mix through the water line from the tent to the reservoir and then a couple syringes full of air to clear anything that might be building up in the line. Reinserted the filter and turned the taps back on.

Finally have one nice sunny warm day here and the world looks wonderful out there. So I’m getting out before the sun remembers it is suppose to be hiding behind a cloud somewhere. Happy Growing everyone! :vibes:
Everything is right on schedule. I love your grow. :slap:
Everything is right on schedule. I love your grow. :slap:
Thanks Nosias for the slap.
I’m still a little concerned with how little they are stretching and have to wonder if I needed to pull the COBs up higher. They are currently sitting at 30 inches yet there is little to no stretch. Maybe @BigSm0 will drop by and add his two cents.
Thanks Nosias for the slap.
I’m still a little concerned with how little they are stretching and have to wonder if I needed to pull the COBs up higher. They are currently sitting at 30 inches yet there is little to no stretch. Maybe @BigSm0 will drop by and add his two cents.
To me they look like 3-4 oz per lady, minus Bobbie. If you need more than that, then worry about the stretch. Some do not stretch much under full light. I believe they do not need to stretch when they have all they can handle.

Continue your good week end.

To me they look like 3-4 oz per lady, minus Bobbie. If you need more than that, then worry about the stretch. Some do not stretch much under full light. I believe they do not need to stretch when they have all they can handle.

Continue your good week end.

I have a couple of the LSDs at a friends house under one of my PlatinumLED Blurple panels and they are staying short also. So, I think you may be right about the strain not being a big stretcher. Also I have to keep reminding myself that I flipped them early. 30 days was not a lot of veg time.

I'm never really desperate for meds, my grow buddy and I always have something going at either location, when one of us is short, the other usually has some. Plus we are friends with a rather large outdoor grower and he throws away all his trim. Needless to say we are more than willing to help him take the trash out. Then the mini washing machine and my bubble bags get a heck of a workout. I love making hash from others’ trash. Last time he called us over we spent the weekend hashing it out and produced 1/4 pound of hash. Not bad for being a garbage collector. :rofl:

Now that my state has medical, I have a patient card. Although we have some of the highest dispensary prices ($160 a gram for concentrates) in the country and the most restrictive rules possible. Just give me a legal plant count and I will finally be happy.:cooldance:
160 a gram? That’s insane. I have guys on IG messaging me daily giving this stuff away. Kind of scary.
I know the plants are shorter but I would actually be gearing up to drop them soon. With photos you can almost put the lights as close as you want.
160 a gram? That’s insane. I have guys on IG messaging me daily giving this stuff away. Kind of scary.
I know the plants are shorter but I would actually be gearing up to drop them soon. With photos you can almost put the lights as close as you want.
Yea, they are gouging the med patients to pay for the system and it’s not the state, it’s the growers. It’s udderly ridiculousness, but until there are a few changes made or recreational gets legalized it’s all we have here. I actually only got on the system to prove I could do it. I would never pay those prices. I supply myself just fine. :thumbsup:

I’m seeing what I think is mag deficiency coming on strong with my 2 girls on Technaflora nutes. The two on MC aren’t really showing it. I’ll be posting a few pics later if you would be so kind as to take a look and tell me what you think. I’m really concerned about how far away to keep the lights away, especially since I’m screwing around heat and co2. :cheers: