Just read your whole mazar journal and I'm speechless. If there is a autoflower hall of fame you should be in it my friend. Def sub'd for this. Good luck bro
Seymour, you are off to the best possible start. Right now this is the most interesting grow on the internet for the Dutch Passion team.
Our team recommend you use the maximum light before heat becomes an issue. We would love to see what 450W, or ideally 600 Watts, of LED power would do to the best looking plant, I know quite a few pro’s on the Dutch scene that are following this grow keen to see how Think Different performs. That’s her real name incidentally, with THC measured at 18% she is the best auto we have ever seen and our pro growers are very excited about this strain which has taken some time to optimise. We have more info on this weeks Dutch Passion blog if you want to find out more, but of course we also have this grow diary which will reveal all.
Autoflowering strains are able to absorb and use almost twice the light energy of a traditional photoperiod strain. They absorb all this extra energy without reverting to flowering, resulting in turbocharged bud production. The results from the best AutoFems are better than many people have ever achieved from traditional photoperiod strains. Even experienced growers are struggling to come to terms with some of the results that are being achieved with auto’s and a lot of people are having to completely rethink their views.
AutoFem strains were THE hot topic at the recent cannabis cup, and Seymour’s AutoMazar grow was mentioned on the main stage by DutchPassion founder Henk Van Dalen for the yield as well as the fact that LED has now got mainstream credibility even amongst previous hard core sceptics. Seymour’s AutoMazar grow has got a lot of people’s attention.
And onto some more detail on this strain. We will start selling this early in 2012, the name is “Think Different” and with 18% THC, she is stronger than many traditional best selling ‘photo period’ varieties. We wanted to formally announce ThinkDifferent on our website blog along with the technical and genetic background before we announced it anywhere else, so thank you all for being patient. The only person currently with any Think Different seeds is Seymour. It is unique in Dutch Passion history to have a grow diary of a new strain on the internet before the strain is officially released, but we think this is a good thing despite the obvious risk of something going wrong. Connecting with customers, confidence in your seed quality and use of the internet – why not?
Think Different is the most potent AutoFem we have seen. She gives a great quality high, stronger than many traditional varieties and on a par with the very best strains. All this with great yields. Our best people were highly impressed withThink Different, so we are all glued to this grow diary. Think Different is the result of a breeding project from our AutoFem team, we used an un-commercialised genebank scorcher called AK420. AK420 is a special hybrid of AK47 which we created for this project and has unique synergy with the Ruderalis genetic integration. Think Different is perhaps best described as 60% Sativa, 20% Indica and 20% Ruderalis. The Ruderalis genetics have not diminished potency in any way.
Our test-team of experienced Dutch smokers report that this is a powerful smoke, a quality experience and long lasting high. I know some traditional varieties are said to be 20%+THC but once you get above the 15-20% THC level I am not sure that THC percentages are really that relevant anymore. For example, when we last measured our WhiteWidow we recorded a level of 18.9% THC and that strain is about as strong as anyone would need. So, for us Think Different is a next generation AutoFem. It builds on what we have seen with AutoMazar and takes AutoFems onwards and upwards. I hope you all enjoy the grow diary.
she sounds like a beauty and i just hope she finishes in 9 weeks from seed to weed and produces big, this has the potenial to be my best grow yet and im all for it
My son wants some seeds for his birthday that are purple. are the purple Mazar and good? Can you think of a better purple? He intends to grow them outside next year.
Hi Bailer, many thanks. It is both interesting and exciting to see how Seymour makes out with Think Different. I suspect you will see a few of the Dutch Passion crew dropping in to say hello over the next few weeks.
Nelson - for some purple colours, so far as the Dutch Passion beans go, I would think about AutoBlueberry. The yields may not match Mazar, but AutoBlueberry is popular amongst some of the Dutch old-school tokers for the flavours and colours. As Medicine Man suggests, Purple Jem may be a nice choice too.
By the way, what a great website with a nice feel and atmosphere to it as well.
Lets see what this grow brings us. Now, where is my vapouriser.....
fresh res change today and ive upped the feed to 1.2 ec, i know a lot of growers might think this is heavy but im still using formulex which is designed for babies and is not as strong as regular feed so 1.2 ec is the equivalent to about .6-.7 ec, on the next res change ill be swapping over to veg nutrients
the ph is 5.8, i got off to a bit of a shaky start with the ph imbalance but ive managed to sort that out pure grower error on my behalf, you can see from my pics that 1 of the plants was hurt due to this but the other 2 are fine so i caught it in time, i know cannabis can take some punishment and still produce the goods at the end so im not phazed by this, i dont think ill be able to carry all 3 over the finish line so the plants will be eliminated as the grow progresses and the weakest plant will always be removed 1st, obviosuly ive got plenty of space at the minute so its business as ususal
if im gonna showcase a strain then i want the best possible plants/pheno to do the job, obviosuly its not just dp's rep on the line but also mine as a grower
pics, so far so good, still early days and i gotta long way to go
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