Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

1 of the plants seems to be lagging behind the other 2 and is also showing signs of calcium defeciency so she almost certainly be the 1st to be removed for the grow, im not 100% sure whats causing this as she is on exactly the same feed as the other 2, maybe she is a nutrient sensitive pheno ?

Not sure, but in regards to LED lighting, Muddy just informed me in my grow journal that -
Yes, they do take up more nutrients. With 95% usable light they eat it up faster. Additional cal/mag is almost a must throughout the whole grow, and most likely more P, especially in late flowering.
Maybe that has something to do with it, considering you're using an LED light source Don't know, just stoned and shooting from the hip.
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cheers, i would agree on the feeding thing BUT i grow in hydro mate so i get to see a movement in ec an ph so that would be the biggest indicator on feed

if it was the same across all 3 plants then id 100% say thats what the problem is but its only showing on 1 of them, new growth looks good so it aint a problem, i wont take all 3 plants across the finish line only the biggest and strongest will get to finish :)

its not the roots either



them roots look nice and health bro!!like it's just a lighter eater than the others like you said.
very nice seymour, seems like you got a nice grip on this method, I have a question for ya. Do you find that the dwc method requires more work then say growing in soil indoors?. I have been looking into hydroponics.
Is your ph stable? Looks like the start of the slime in the first 2 pics? The last one looks healthiest. Are you using any preventatives in the Rez.
very nice seymour, seems like you got a nice grip on this method, I have a question for ya. Do you find that the dwc method requires more work then say growing in soil indoors?. I have been looking into hydroponics.

ive only ever grown in hydro and never used soil for a full grow, i chose hydro over soil because of results and i dont like getting my hands dirty

i cant say wether or not its easier than soil, ive seen people who have convereted to dwc and said its loads easier than soil, best thing to to is dive into the deep end

Is your ph stable? Looks like the start of the slime in the first 2 pics? The last one looks healthiest. Are you using any preventatives in the Rez.

ph is bang on now, its not slime lol my buckets are fully temp controlled the discolouration is from the nutrients, mainly rhizotonic (root stim) and the canna aqua it has a tendenacy to discolour the roots slightly

when you say prevention what do you mean prevention from what ??

here are some root pics from my auto mazar that are around the same age, you can see the discolouration in those roots aswell and we know how she finished up ;)


here is a btter pic of nutrient discolouration

Ah Beautiful....:clap: :clap: :clap:...I just Love me Roots..and they are Beauties..:wiz:
Don't look like nute stains to me. Sounds like you got it under control. Good luck.
Hey seymour...is it my eyes...or is she a 6 Finger leaf....

on the two pointing North and South...?
