Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

Share One....:smokebuds:...we wouldn't keep you short of a smoke..:smokebuds:

*Tony inhales the aromas of Wiz's top quality stash, and exhales* ahhh. You can't beat some well grown pot. Thanks Wiz!

Seymour, this is still early days so don't worry too much about the burnt seedling. This wonderful plant is a hardy creation.

Lets see how the coming weeks go. I am sure you will do just fine with her.
I've never understood why we should get such a beasting from them for growing particular hybrid varieties? :firedevil: Surely they would have had some success with them? I mean this part of the genepool has certainly given way to a 'progression' in the cultivation. Whether you are connoisseur or commercial It sort of makes sense to change over to these varieties eventully.. Autos aren't dwarfs they're convenient
Sorry about that rant :D like you rightly said Buddah Life's too short mate to worry about the haters since we're all busy collecting yeilds like fellow member DIRT :smoke:

I'm sure you'll give 'em something to chew on too.. :D

Edit -Sorry to go off on one Seymour don't mean to hijack your thread mate
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The initial scepticism surrounding auto flowering varieties is in some ways understandable. Many were unimpressed with the first ones, maybe we all had unrealistic expectations too early in the process.

But right now is the ‘tipping’ point in AutoFem history,where even sceptics are beginning to accept that Auto’s have genuinely arrived. Yields can often outstrip those of traditional varieties. Potency is good too; the better auto varieties seem to be as good as many of the mid-range traditional varieties. Of course not every medical or self-sufficient recreational grower needs the most potent strain anyway. Many experienced growers settle on medium-strength strains that they feel they can enjoy and manage.

The world of cannabis does contain quite a few die hard traditionalists who seem to respond with a certain amount of pent-up aggression, and even anger, when anything comes along that does not agree with their own world views. You might think that the cannabis aficionado would be generally laid back, but there are quite a few grumpy ones out there. Some of these people are only just recognising that AutoFem’s have really come a long way in the last 18 months. And of course there will always be those that just seem against something because they enjoy having a moan. If people really think that AutoFems will never match traditional varieties then it is their loss.

From the perspective of a seed supplier, we can categorically say that sales of Auto sales have definitely caught on. Other seed suppliers will tell you the samething. The best selling auto varieties are selling in similar quantities to best selling established traditional varieties. In the last year or two it seems that more and more people are trying them. A surprising number of people that have never grown outdoors before are trying it for the first time with auto’s. The growth cycle is so fast and the plants themselves often stay relatively short and are therefore easy to hide.

Think Different is one where we think strength will be on a par with the most potent traditional varieties. That is what is really special about her. But it did take timeto get this far, in Dutch Passions case we have been working on AutoFems for 5years now. There is more to learn than you might imagine. It is new science with no text books, we are relying on expertise of the breeders to figure this stuff out. Integrate Ruderalis genetics but optimise THC production.

I hope Seymour doesn’t mind me going off topic on his diary,but I have a question for you medical auto growers. Is Auto weed felt to be on a par with regular weed for medical effectiveness? Better? Or worse?

Thai Buddha Man – Thank you. Love the site, you guys are making a lot of people really sit up and take notice of what AutoFem’s can do. Seymour does indeed look a real pro, we trust him to show what Think Different can do. I would love to see both of Seymours LED panels on the best looking plant. And I hope you all like the idea of releasing seeds to Seymour Buds before we officially launch Think Different. I am sure we chose the right guy and the right site to do this.
it's diff. on par bro!!
Yes, as a registered medical grower, I've got patients who are lovin' on autos. In the networks I work with, other caregivers are also growing autos and don't tell their patients that they're autos until afterwards, and the patients never know the difference. Granted, there are some nice autos being grown 'round here...
day 13 from seed

all 3 plants are gonna get switched over to canna aqua vega tomoz on an ec of .8 and ph 5.8

all 3 plants have made an excellent recovery but deep down i knew they would, new growth looks lush and they have started to pick up the pace in growing as well

i dont know when these are supposed to show sex but if its a 10 week strain im guessing it wont be long now

i have nothing to compare this grow to so im literally growing blind folded at the minute cause i have nothing to gauge my progress against, the only thing i can do is judge from my previous grows and im looking to be on par,

so far so good








looking good my friend, looking very good, i am gonna look into dwc myself i think

day 16 from seed

2 out of the 3 girls have shown sex and the 3rd 1 has calyx but no hairs yet, its safe to say there are 3 ladies ;)

1 of the plants seems to be lagging behind the other 2 and is also showing signs of calcium defeciency so she almost certainly be the 1st to be removed for the grow, im not 100% sure whats causing this as she is on exactly the same feed as the other 2, maybe she is a nutrient sensitive pheno ?

ill do a fresh res change tomoz and up their feed to .9 ec still on canna aqua vega

pics, the plant in the middle will be the 1st to be removed, opinons and comments are welcome







they are looking amazing for 16 days bro!!the plant in the second from the last pic has a perfect structure to it..just beautiful!!!