Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

Congratulations getting the duch passion gig Seymour. +rep

Edit: you must spread rep to others

Top of the list bro ;)
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I'll be tagging along if you don't mind seymour :bong:
I hope I don't embarrass Seymour too much if I say that we couldn't just let his AutoMazar record go without a decent level of recognition. So we drew a fitting cartoon for the occasion and honoured him as the subject of our weekly blog.

Just to confirm that this is indeed the first public test of an unreleased auto (codename TD) that has been in the works for some time and is very highly rated. More than that I can't say.....at least not yet. But I am pulling up a beanbag and watching this grow closely.
^^^^^^^^^^that's a cool pic!hooray for seymour!
cheers for that tony, nothing like a bit pressure for me then with this grow lol

ill update this while im here

all seeds sank after only 12 hours which is a sign of healthy seeds, the seeds were soaked in root stimulator and water, i put them in soaked paper towel this morning and after coming home from work today all 3 seeds had cracked and were showing tap roots

ive ph balanced some water to 5.5 ph with added root stim to soak my 1" rockwool cubes, the reason i set it so low is purely because rockwool will act as a buffer and up the overall ph

i think somewhere between 5.3-5.5 is a good starting point

all 3 seeds are now in rockwool and under my light, i dont like taking photos of seeds that have cracked due to flashlight photography and thats purely personal preference

thats not bad going for 24 hours work, heres where im at


ive got 2 lights for this grow, 1 watt l.e.d panel and a 3 watt l.e.d panel

both lights will draw about 300 watts each and the 3 watt l.e.d light has the added benifit of only running at 1/2 power which gives me the option of running either

150 watts , 300 watts , 450 watts or the full 600 watts

im not 100% sure how i wanna do this, maybe start under the 1 watt and finish under the 3 watt or run both panels on a flip flop timer of 10 hours each, running both lights together may be over kill for my space

my grow space is 1m20 x 90 x 1m80





that last pic has the syrup in there @ 16 days old, bless
in only 3 days from soaking my seeds to sprouting we have our 1st new arrival, that was a rapid process ;)


ive decided to run with the 1 watt panel to start with, the panel is 32" above the plants

my buckets will be set to .8 ec and ph 5.8 of rhizotonic and formulex, all the pebbles have been pre soaked in ph balanced water of 5.6 ph

i also have another seed which is just poking her head above ground ;)

i dont waste anytime in getting new arrivals straight into their final home, i like to get them established in the system and give them a breaking in period

today has been a busy day for me and here is where im at, the 16 day old syrup will be getting removed from the grow but i have to admit that she shows good potenial to be a big producer

any comments/questions are appreciated




gonna class today as day 1

100% germination rate from all 3 seeds and to be honest i wasnt expecting any different ;)

all 3 ladies are in their final homes, ec .8 and ph 5.8 ish

now the 1st stage is over ill just update as and when, cheers




