Nutrients 1Sky jumps into AutoPots with Biotabs

My only resoning was seeing the sugar leaves less far along in their yellowing then the bigger fan leaves, so i only suggested thinking the photo was taken a week or so past the bottom up, and at a later stage.

But i understand what you mean, thank you for clarifying
Looks like light burn to me. how high is your light? Chlorotic ( yellowing )leaves at the top of the plants is either light burn, or a micro nutrient deficiency.
Hi Pop, thanks for checking in & sharing your thoughts. Through this grow the lights have ranged from been 18-26" -- higher in the early weeks, and lower later on.
N deficiency or lockout starts at the bottom of the plant and moves up.
The yellowing and fading started on the lower leaves and is moving progressively up. It began around day 45 for the plant, just as she was putting on a spurt of vertical stretch. She was very healthy - lush, full and green - for the first 5 weeks.

I wondered about a cal-mag def, since others in the tent have shown more typical signs. So I've treated her several times with a top-feed of AN's sensi calmag which is high in nitrogen (4-0-0). But it doesn't seem to have helped.

I've considered that maybe I should take her out for a 3x flush, and just get everything cleaned out. But I also think that if she can hold on for another 3+ weeks or so, then I can probably do the chop-chop and be done with it. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks.
Here's a little photo update of the two Fastbud GSCs in the tent. They both had terrible health issues half-way through the grow -- I think it was cal-mag, but not sure. But the issues seemed to have stopped after a few treatments. They're on day 82 and are soon headed to the butcher shop.

Here's the first, GSC#1. I waited a long time before applying any cal-mag. She got quite stunted and never recovered fully. The yield will be small, but hopefully tasty. She ambering up, and so will probably be taken down tomorrow, at least the top 3-5 colas anyway.

82.GSC1 e.JPG
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82.GSC1 c.JPG
82.GSC1 d.JPG

The second of the two, GSC#2, is my entry over in the Fastbuds Grow Contest. She fared better than her sister because I gave her a heavy-duty flush just over 30 days ago. Subsequently she put on more growth and much fatter buds. Here's a quick look. She'll probably get 3-5 days more before I start her deconstruction.

82.GSC2 d.JPG
82.GSC2 c.JPG
82.GSC2 b.JPG
82.GSC2 a.JPG

I'll take & post proper "out-of-tent" photos prior to any harvesting.
Been catching up on this one today, shame about the issue half way through, it alerted me to potential problems I may have too. I'm setting up and planting next week. The colours on those GSC's look INCREDIBLE, really tasty. A multitude of hues and colours, really nice to look at. Will look forward to a smoke report. I think the Biotabs section should have it's own smoke report section as I would love to see how others think the taste and smells fare compared to other ways of organic growing. Will be subbed for whatever else you do!
Thanks @milkmann. Welcome to my party. I'm a noob in a hurry to learn, so I'm trying lots of different things (strategies, nute programs, pot types, etc) that seem popular here on AFN. Finished my 1st grow in June and now have 3 more going in various stages of development and techniques. AFN is such a fantastic place to do all this, I love it.
Day 83 for Fastbuds Girl Scout Cookies [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Today I snipped the top, which took with it four of the most mature colas. The buds on them look like ...

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83.GSC1 c.JPG

Here's a 4-quadrant profile view just prior to the snip. At 15.5" high, she will not deliver much of a yield, but what she's lacks in quantity will hopefully be made up in quality.

83.GSC1 e.JPG
83.GSC1 f.JPG
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83.GSC1 j.JPG

She's sitting back in the tent in her AutoPot tray now; I'll give her a few more days to see if the lower buds will mature more and amber-up some.
Happy growing.