Nutrients 1Sky jumps into AutoPots with Biotabs

Mate that's a decent haul!

Next time I recommend not mixing up other nutes with the tabs, or very small additions, I'm still convinced the doses of mammoth p were not beneficial and could be the reason behind the issues.

I don't think a side by side will show anything unless you're using photo clones, as there's so much variability with autos even in same pack of seeds.

Anyway it's not all about yields, surely the improved taste and flavour shines through?

Hi Jay, totally agree with you on all 3 points.
1) This next time, I'm going strictly vanilla with the BioTabs. I don't want to confuse the grow. That having been said, there's a bunch of growers here (some VERY experienced) using BioTabs and throwing a ton of other stuff into the pot -- tweaking and adjusting with other supplements at the slightest sign of any issue or deficiency. So, go figure? It's way beyond my "pay-grade".
2) You are right that my proposed "comparison" grow won't prove anything. In my 2nd and 3rd grows I had two each of 3 different strains. And each of the doubles was very different from its twin, even though grown in the same manner. I am hoping however, that the comparison will teach me a few things, add to my experience, and maybe help me to settle on a style that I favor. We'll see; though it may be that the temptation to experiment and try new things will always tempt me.
3) I can't answer this yet, as the recent Girl Scout Cookies have not cured. But we're looking forward to comparing the taste and effect against the GSC grown with AN nutes. Again, you're so right. Yields are "fun" for a noob to strive for, but that isn't where its at. Quality of effect and taste/smoothness is everything. With two tents and only 1 customer to supply (growing for my wife), I surely have no need to chase yield.
Thanks for tagging along with this grow and sharing you input at so many key points. :bighug:
Hi Jay, totally agree with you on all 3 points.
1) This next time, I'm going strictly vanilla with the BioTabs. I don't want to confuse the grow. That having been said, there's a bunch of growers here (some VERY experienced) using BioTabs and throwing a ton of other stuff into the pot -- tweaking and adjusting with other supplements at the slightest sign of any issue or deficiency. So, go figure? It's way beyond my "pay-grade".
2) You are right that my proposed "comparison" grow won't prove anything. In my 2nd and 3rd grows I had two each of 3 different strains. And each of the doubles was very different from its twin, even though grown in the same manner. I am hoping however, that the comparison will teach me a few things, add to my experience, and maybe help me to settle on a style that I favor. We'll see; though it may be that the temptation to experiment and try new things will always tempt me.
3) I can't answer this yet, as the recent Girl Scout Cookies have not cured. But we're looking forward to comparing the taste and effect against the GSC grown with AN nutes. Again, you're so right. Yields are "fun" for a noob to strive for, but that isn't where its at. Quality of effect and taste/smoothness is everything. With two tents and only 1 customer to supply (growing for my wife), I surely have no need to chase yield.
Thanks for tagging along with this grow and sharing you input at so many key points. :bighug:

Mate on that first point, I am just as guilty on my first grow in terms of making additions, however they were fairly infrequent and in relatively small doses.

Check my current thread bro, I've not added any nutes to the pot in weeks, save one boom boom spray the other day. And I've now got a new baby growing in same pot. When i chop the first one I may make an addition then.

Top growing buddy, I'm looking forward to ya next one.:pighug::hookah::woohoo1::coffee:
You grew some sweet smokable dope there, mate!
Good luck with your next grow!
And don't smoke it all at once ;) hahaha.
By the way, do you have any idea when Silicium Flash will be available for shipment to USA?
Took down the remaining GSC#1 4 days ago. And then took all of the older Sweet Tooth 3 days ago. That Sweet Tooth, which was the one that I hit hard with the Bud-Based Defoliation, was the stickiest plant I've ever worked with. Lots of finger & scissor hash. I'm anxious to see how the weight/yield turns out. Here's how she looked as she came out of the tent at 107 days old:

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That finishes up this 4-plant / 2-strain grow -- now just the drying and then curing. I'll post back when the results are in, and also share my assessment of my first attempt with AutoPots & BioTabs. Now the tent is picking up the overflow (3 of the 5) Mephistos that had been stuffed into my original 4'x4' tent. They're all about 78 days old, and now that they have more breathing room I'm sure they'll finish up in time to release both tents for the September Grow Battles. :woohoo:

Dude that is seriously beautiful! Gorgeous stacking calyx action going on there! :worship: :vibe:

Reminds me of proper UK/Exodus cheese. Congrats on an awesome grow mate.

I have to agree with @Sensi Jay better to have slightly less organic weed, than lots of evil chemical shit. But that's just a personal opinion!

:slap: That's a conceptual rep slap as it won't let me give you any real rep!
Just read through the whole journal mate. Good reading!

Regarding the deficiency/lockout issues way back, I had a similar issue on one or two plants and was convinced it was cal/mag deficiency. I tried to combat this by adding more and more cal/mag. I don't have any evidence at all and I'm not experienced really, but in my head I have a "man logic" theory that I was actually causing the issues by adding loads of cal/mag, causing some sort of lock out, possibly P and even M locked out maybe? I'm sure I read somewhere that too much Cal locks out P, but can't remember where and it could have been a dream!


Next grow with biotabs (soil/airpots same as previous grow) I didn't add any cal/mag at all throughout the grow. And guess what, I didn't get any issues at all! Nothing.

So I dunno if it was some sort of lockout, or if it was something else completely and I was just lucky the next time!

Awesome grow anyone mate :worship:
Hi @hippy71 -- many thanks for the encouragement, suggestions, and REP. I appreciate the input and feedback, and the time you spent reading through the journal. I'm just kicking off another BioTab / AutoPot grow, and this time I'm keeping my "hands-in-pocket" regarding using ANYTHING other than the basic BioTabs line-up. I did take Biotabs F69 advice, and added some dolomite lime to the coco mix before planting. Supposedly that will help with potential cal-mag issues.
Hey only1sky :D

ust kicking off another BioTab / AutoPot grow, and this time I'm keeping my "hands-in-pocket" regarding using ANYTHING other than the basic BioTabs line-up. I did take Biotabs F69 advice, and added some dolomite lime to the coco mix before planting. Supposedly that will help with potential cal-mag issues.

I'm about to kick off something similar - Autopot ... Biotabs.

I did the keeping my hand in my pocket thing last time ... and it turned out pretty well considering!

Take a look if you like, it's not a massive or really well updated thread, but shows a good timeline of just soil, biotabs and water.

My next one will be with their starter kit that i'll be receiving soon ... along with their Bio PK (which i felt was what was missing from the grow at the end). I was gonna do a coco soil mix ... but then saw some ugly little black bugs in the pot ... so it'll be new Canna Terra Soil instead.

Hope it goes well for you (and me lol) - I'll keep an eye out!!
