Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Good morning guys.

Hope everyone is feeling great.
I felt sick in my body so im staying home from work today.

Better news...
I believe i will go to Barcelona within a month, have gotten in contact with multiple people by Facebook after putting some photos of weed i grown in groups for both cannabis and regular jobs.

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Good morning guys.

Hope everyone is feeling great.
I felt sick in my body so im staying home from work today.

Better news...
I believe i will go to Barcelona within a month, have gotten in contact with multiple people by Facebook after putting some photos of weed i grown in groups for both cannabis but also plain work-groups.

Good morning, hope you feel better.

I'm happy you have some good news to look forward to, sounds cool.

Happy Friday............:friday:....

Have an extra smoke break....I'll catch up when I can......:WGAF:..even the tablet is giving up today..sigh....

Sharing one.... :pass:

Happy Friday!
Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.27 -
Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.27 -
Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.27 -
Morning all! Thought I would try and get a bit more involved in the Daily chatter!

Got a notification that my Brothers in Farm seeds have just shipped - got myself some Prosecco Also ordered some of their Tent Spreaders as mine is being sucked in a bit by my extraction fan.

Hopefully they arrive unscathed after their long journey!

EDIT: @Zeromitch Cheers! And yeah, I was surprised I'd not seen them anywhere else tbh. Makes me wonder what other 3D printed stuff could be useful in a grow room :stir:
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