Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Good Morfnoevight All! spent 3.5 hours at the DMV today. I gave them some more money. and now have more time to get the truck smogged!
Cali regulations being a pain in your tookus?? :cuss:

That feels better.
I’ve been reading pointers for luring ladybugs and for keeping them around! Gonna make em a lil water dish and then do a thick layer of mulch since I got a fresh bag cuz it says they’ll use it to hide inside when they aren’t prowling for food! Seen a few adults but not sure if they flew over or a few already transformed! Hopefully I didn’t throw out any ladybug eggs with the cucumbers but had to chunk the aphids so was worth the potential sacrifice! :thumbsup:
It's pretty hard to get ladybugs to hang around a residential area, for the most part. Just not normally a lot of places for them to winter over and everyone with min-environments with most not organic friendly. My hay barn was where most of my lady bugs wintered over........and my damn attic of my old farmhouse. My new place has several places............they winter over by the droves in my insulated shop. The sub-zero plunge hit them pretty hard this year.
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