Lighting WWWillie and the Electric Sky

Hey now!!
Thanks for joining me on this journey I think it will be a hoot to say the least!
I said above that I am putting these in my clone tent. Well, I changed my mind. I am going to use these babies to complete the Mephisto 2018 1st leg with my AvT Special Pheno. I thought about a lot and think this will be for the best. The clones are doing OK, but the mites are still an issue I think. What I don't want to do is pull the plants out of the tent and take a chance at spreading them. Plus these ES-300s are gonna kick some serious butt so I might as well take advantage of that and really push this girl. Plus I can do this tonight!! WooHoo!!!!
Hey Now!
Wowzers! Thanks for tagging along youse guys!

Oh boy it’s on now. I’ve got my two ES-300s up and running in my 4x4 with a Mephisto AVT Special pheno. She’s in a 5 gal felt pot filled with NFTG [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] soil mixed 3:1 with perlite. She is currently using NFTG Roman Regimen along with slf-100, assorted benes like Mammoth P, etc.

Here they are. A wide angle shot to give you an idea.


And a close up just cause. A bit fuzzy but then again so was I when I took it.
Hey Now!

Thanks man! Much appreciated. Yes the tilting is so easy, kudos on the elegant hanging system , it really rocks. The steel cable looks sharp too. But really the ease of handling it brings to these big lights is truly remarkable. It would seem such a small thing but it makes a huge difference for the user.

Cooling is an issue again. 255 watts of COB was pushing it but 600 watts of these panels pushed me over my current set up. Nothing that is a real problem or even an issue just need to re-think. No where near what the HID lights put out so whew!

What I have done so far is to open the top two ports in the tent for,passive flow. I added two 5 in. fans, one on top of each light blowing across the heatsinks. That cooled the lights nicely. They can run hotter but like the COBs a little breeze is all it takes and they run just a bit hot to the touch. That’s what I always shot for with my amps even the class A jobs.
I got a new carbon canister and fan. I usually have the fan at the top of the tent but the lights need that space now so I’ll put them in a rear corner. With the top ports open I should pull air down and out with this. Hope so anyway. We’ll see. I have my trusty Pulse Nano to guide me here.

I lowered both units by six inches just now. Want to get them to optimum distance quickly. Boy I think the flowers got fatter overnight!



A little about where I am going to put these guys. I am planning on starting out with them in my "clone" tent. It's 4x4x5. It it now are some tangilope that I started a while back, they look like about two, maybe three weeks to go. This stuff is pretty zippy so I want to be sure it's got a good bit of amber. There are four of them, two in 5 gal and two in 7 gal fabric pots. The pots are full of used soil from my last grow so it's a combo of Happy Frog and NFTG [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] and perlite. I am using the NFTG Roman regimen along with Photosynthesis Plus, SLF-100, Mammoth P, etc... I am currently having a spider mite problem in this tent and well, crap. But I am plugging along OK. I'm using Trifecta Crop Control and it is working well, I just need to keep it up.
Being close to harvest I am getting ready to ripen as they call it and will start "flushing" with Herculean Harvest and a smidge of this and that to pull out any salts that are left and shove some Ca and simple sugars up the stems. At least that's the theory. I cam close last batch with the Gold Glue coming out really nice, stinky, and rock solid nuggets.
Don't know what's next but I'll come up with something. I have a Mephisto Blue Toof looking for a home and an I have no idea, a seed I found on the shelf and it germed ready to grow as well!
mystery seed, what fun!