Lighting Briman and the Electric Skys

Looking great Briman!
Thanks, but I am out of practice, even with a organic grow. Glad you stopped in!
Week 6 and the ladies are doing great, puttin on some weight. I am adding vegematrix and their PK booster to the mix so these ladies finish off nicely. temps are 78*F and humidity is 43% and I may drop the leds a bit to bring on the flowers! All are starting to show some good trich production and the smell of these ladies are incredible! On to some pics...
Week 7 and these ladies are bringing on some good trich production and plumping up nicely. Going to do a dry ice extraction on these ladies and press some awesome organic rosin out of them. temps are steady at 79*F and 40%humidity. On to some pics...
:bighug: Happy New Mates! :smokeout:

Feels good doesn’t it.
:crying: 3-W's, I thought at this point the sight of more bud would literally sicken you! :help: :deadhorse: :haha: I have to go visit, sorry to have been remiss!

Brimate - :rofl: - girls are chunk-a-rific! :spels: .......So, 2 Anvil girls here? Bitches be rollin' on their our clock, huh,...:pimp:... they'll have the tent to themselves soon enough!
... who stankin' how you like it so far?
:bighug: Happy New Mates! :smokeout:

:crying: 3-W's, I thought at this point the sight of more bud would literally sicken you! :help: :deadhorse: :haha: I have to go visit, sorry to have been remiss!

Brimate - :rofl: - girls are chunk-a-rific! :spels: .......So, 2 Anvil girls here? Bitches be rollin' on their our clock, huh,...:pimp:... they'll have the tent to themselves soon enough!
... who stankin' how you like it so far?
Waira, That Mephisto Creme de la Chem is the stinker! I have to take the 2 anvil down, as they wont even be close to finish by the time we leave for Cannacon and the wife wont bother to keep em going! Lol. I will be running one of these phenos in a 6.6 gallon autopot after I get back from cannacon. Gonna top her and bush her out! This pheno takes a while longer, but creates HUGE plants as we can all see from @wwwillie 's grow!
Week 8.5 ish and I took the whole tent down today. They were milky with about 1/3 amber heads. I have never had plants finish up that fast, but it could be due to throwing bloom nutes on them early. I was worried that they wouldnt be done or have dry time before we leave for cannacon. I was wrong! Not the biggest plants of my canna career, but what is there will be special! The Electric Sky LED's are the business and I highly recommend these to anyone wanting to up their arsenal in the grow area! Superb penetration, great flowering capability and the spectrum is spot on! See you soon in another grow journal AFN! Most of this will go straight to the freezer wet for making cocentrates from dry ice extraction. I did put a couple ounces in the herb dryer for squishing for rosin. On to some pics...