New Grower World of Seeds "Sugar Mango Ryder" ....

Chester, i am just trying to learn, what is cause those leaves having brown tips? slightly nute burn?
Chester, i am just trying to learn, what is cause those leaves having brown tips? slightly nute burn?

My thought was Potassium Deficiency ... as seen in these photos ... if I could ever learn to diagnose deficiencies I could become a much better grower ... as it is I try to avoid them but this grow has been plagued by deficiencies ... w/ Soil and Flower tabs I generally don't have these problems but I threw in my own ideas which I think resulted in a few problems ...
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Most of the time, your tips of your leaves will tell you if you are supplying to many nutrients!
Although I have had cal mag def on the tips before.
Man, you weren't kidding when you said the Horror get big.
Smaller Sugar Mango Ryder ...




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Just wanted to share a pair of frosty nugs for the holidays ...

Merry Christmas to all ...


photo is of last year's soil and flower tab grow ... this year's plants are not this mature .... :tiphat:
Frosty orange deliciousness!! :drool: Merry Christmas brother!
Both SMRs have a touch of this leaf spot but none on the Jock Horror ... :dunno:
