New Grower World of Seeds "Sugar Mango Ryder" ....

5 weeks AKR ... 4 weeks Bubblelicious ...

Fed all 2.5ml/l of ph perfect GMB plus added 1/4 Flower Tab to each pot ... fed Cal/Mag and Epsom salts also. Bubblelicious is in the lower left corner ... AKRs look better in person. So far they are accepting being watered every 4 days ... will have to change it to every 3 days soon.

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Looking good man...... the cheese looks like she handled the 1/4 strength well so I'll up the dose next time to the same you are feeding your ladies.... good luck finishing
Sugar Mango Ryder @ 64% after 7 days ...

All plants are dried and in the jar ... at this point I keep my Hygrometers moving between jars to determine that they are truly dry enough to jar or if they need to come out of the jar and do a little more time in the air to get the rh down. Once each jar is double checked I slip in a 62% Boveda pack and remove the tops a couple times a day while fanning them. The two SMRs produced 5 - 1/2 gal jars w/ the Jock Horror doing a solid 4 jars ... Still working on some Northern Lights, AK48, and Jock Horror from last year's grow ...

AKRs are looking kind of sad ... they're about 14" tall w/ not many fans but budding well and starting to frost w/ just the slightest hint of smell ... if I see an increase in vigor by my next visit I may give them another 1/4 of Flower tab ... The Bubblelicious is doing great but staying short ... Fed all CalMag, Molasses, Silica Blast and Hawaiian Bud in water ph'd to 5.8 to bring the soil down from 7 ...

Sugar Mango Ryder @ 64% after 7 days ...
Sat Feb 07 15-14-13.jpg
I'm all kinds of curious about that Sugar Mango Ryder! Looking forward to the smoke report
Visited the grow today and watered w/ Hawaiian Bud and CalMag ... AKRs are budding up well but are not showing the vigor I had expected at six weeks ... Bubbles at 5 weeks is incredibly dense and a deep healthy green. Started out as the runt and now she's the best looking plant by far ... she's in the lower left corner of the first photo below.

Weeks 6 and 5 ... WOS AKRs and Nirvana Bubblelicious

AKR Buds


Dude, thats almost 10 Jars of stash just from the SMR and the JH....Gosh damn Im jealous haha.

Anywho. That AKR looks fine to me man. She is known from my own personal experience/(looking up journals) to stay short. One of the main reason I chose her when I did. Plus it was a pure indica, which I needed for my medicated sleep.

Your going to like the smoke man. I harvested early. So, it was missing its true narcotic power. None the less. It was still a very nice potent smoke. Very very true un adulterated indica if I ever seen a pure unadulterated indica.

Cheers my friend, and might I say. Damn good job on that harvest, and your current ladies. :d5::Sharing One::tiphat:
Thanks Neko ... adding the 4 gal pots about week 5 caused that last grow to about double the harvest ... thanks for the input on the AKRs ...
Afghan Kush Ryders ... 7 weeks ...

Bubblelicious ... 6 weeks ...

