New Grower World of Seeds "Sugar Mango Ryder" ....

I bet that smell is divine man.
Wait!? So, your saying. That 17 dollar gadget hooks up to a PC, and can take micro shots? or dose it have to hook up to a camera or something?
Into the PC ... :Sharing One:

Mine came today. Good score Chester, thanks again.

It read great right out of the box but I still have to run the calibration and am confused if I'm supposed to use the same photo as the tutorial shows or create my own, If same, It's a small problem as they are no where to be found except if I take screen shots of the tutorial which is doable. Did yours have them on the disk?

Edit: I don't want to run into scale problems with a screen shot of the wrong size if the pic is there and I am just missing something obvious.
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Mine came today. Good score Chester, thanks again.

It read great right out of the box but I still have to run the calibration and am confused if I'm supposed to use the same photo as the tutorial shows or create my own, If same, It's a small problem as they are no where to be found except if I take screen shots which is doable. Did yours have them on the disk?

Hi Buddy,

Should come with the calibration ruler in the package, the Chinese supplier i use for my website sells these i just sent him a message and thats the answer i got back. Have attached a pic of what that package contents should be for the model that Chester linked to on ebay, i would have thought if Chester has the same model and it would be possible for him to get a scan of his calibration ruler at 1:1 size it would work perfect.


Looks like a great piece of kit though, will have to put in a order for one when i restock.
Hi Buddy,

Should come with the calibration ruler in the package, the Chinese supplier i use for my website sells these i just sent him a message and thats the answer i got back. Have attached a pic of what that package contents should be for the model that Chester linked to on ebay, i would have thought if Chester has the same model and it would be possible for him to get a scan of his calibration ruler at 1:1 size it would work perfect.

View attachment 416912

Looks like a great piece of kit though, will have to put in a order for one when i restock.

Thanks Spanglish.
Everything was in the box, the picture should have been on the mini cd that came with. The folder is there, just no picture files in it. maybe its there and my pc isn't recognizing it, IDK.

Get one of these when you can. you are going to love it.
I never was able to figure out how to calibrate it but I can't think of any time I would need it to be calibrated... I'll check ...
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I get the close up shots by placing a specimen on a piece of soft dark cloth on a hard surface. I remove the lens cover and place the tip face down on the specimen ... there are generally two focal points for each item ... one is near 50x and one is near 500x ... I position the cursor over the camera icon in the tool bar ... slowly dial in the focus both low and high and when the photo is right I left click on the mouse to take the photo ... remember ... don't expect the trichomes to be standing up if you pinched the area you are viewing ... I suspect better pics can be gotten using the video but I never learned the video function ... looking forward to seeing some trichome shots ...
Harvested the Jock Horror today ... 13 weeks and solidly within the Harvest Window ... she'll break down to about 3 -1/2 gal jars .... of the three plants that I gave varying time periods of reduced light prior to harvest I'm happy to say it looks like it worked great ... of course there are growers trying to flower on 12 watts per sq' and the light I used is an Extreme Flower from Advanced which does a real good job ... on the three plants that I took a little before and after the reduced light period ALL were improved by the reduced light ... improved as in stickier and increased mature cloudy trichs but not a noticeable increase in amber trichs ... It appears that the majority of the smell has been coming from the Sugar Mango Ryders as the Jock has almost no smell even after being harvested.

AKRs are doing well and Bubbles is the best of the bunch by far ... just a little shorter, but she is six days behind ... gonna be a fun and interesting grow ...

Jock Horror Harvest Trichomes ...
Tue Jan 27 13-45-03.jpg
Tue Jan 27 09-51-12.jpg

Week 4/3 .... AKRS and Bubblelicious (front left)....

I get the close up shots by placing a specimen on a piece of soft dark cloth on a hard surface. I remove the lens cover and place the tip face down on the specimen ... there are generally two focal points for each item ... one is near 50x and one is near 500x ... I position the cursor over the camera icon in the tool bar ... slowly dial in the focus both low and high and when the photo is right I left click on the mouse to take the photo ... remember ... don't expect the trichomes to be standing up if you pinched the area you are viewing ... I suspect better pics can be gotten using the video but I never learned the video function ... looking forward to seeing some trichome shots ...

1 1/2 gallons of prime bud?
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