It's so strange how plants react. Checked them today. Same strain same conditions and same feed and two very different seadlings. 70%rh and 25° and after its water one is happy one isn't. No feed today but I'll check tomorrow and decide then
@Fitzy @MesaBoogie @St. Tom @Daipot @blue @Garage_Grower @Jpkindbud @AutoBobje @Vegasbear87
When they are small most of the action is taking place below the ground. So wait until day 10 before panicking ;)
They are growing bro they have there second set of leaves now also what strains are they and you can't judge these off other people s different strains at the same age
They are growing bro they have there second set of leaves now also what strains are they and you can't judge these off other people s different strains at the same age
It's my last 2 white widows that I'm growing before I change it up. I'm hoping they are taking off underneath. I wanna ace this grow thats why I've upped the grow to 2 plants. New tent more light
It's my last 2 white widows that I'm growing before I change it up. I'm hoping they are taking off underneath. I wanna ace this grow thats why I've upped the grow to 2 plants. New tent more light
Cool bro what day are you at now as I had a couple of slow starters this time I felt but they seem to have caught up now
New tent. New lights, new challenges. They look like they are coming along.
New tent. New lights, new challenges. They look like they are coming along.
Yeah the extra air in the tent may be interesting. Light hopefully won't be an issue apart from maybe a tiny bit of heat but having the tent 40cm higher gives me alot more space to raise them. I've only had one of these plants small so hoping the extra space won't go to waste.
I'll go a half dose once my pot goes light I reckon. Shes pretty heavy still

you should really feed daily with coco man. Letting it dry out won’t necessarily harm the plants but can be detrimental to its growth and it could cause salt buildup in the root zone. Coco holds no nutrition when it’s is dry see. I’m back to growing coco and I feed daily. Little and often works well in my experience. For example, my two 72 litre pots and 57 litre takes 10 litres of feed split between them. Then my 6 20litre pots take another 10 litres between al six. And this is liberal feeding in my opinion. But also bare in mind that it’s impossible too over feed in coco from a volume perspective.

and like Tom said, they’re growing and most of the action is taking part below the dirt
you should really feed daily with coco man. Letting it dry out won’t necessarily harm the plants but can be detrimental to its growth and it could cause salt buildup in the root zone. Coco holds no nutrition when it’s is dry see. I’m back to growing coco and I feed daily. Little and often works well in my experience. For example, my two 72 litre pots and 57 litre takes 10 litres of feed split between them. Then my 6 20litre pots take another 10 litres between al six. And this is liberal feeding in my opinion. But also bare in mind that it’s impossible too over feed in coco from a volume perspective.

and like Tom said, they’re growing and most of the action is taking part below the dirt

I've always found it beneficial to weigh the pot. If its been to wet in the coco the plants hated it. Once they get bigger I don't mind giving them the extra to get the run off but my previous grows if I watered too much it stopped the plant in its tracks