"The History of the Royal Roach Ritual dates back to the year 2000 ad at least, and has been theorized to have involved 3 highschool students without a consistent weed connect."
We used to save our roaches in our filthy car ashtrays. and every once in a while, we would roll the biggest, nastiest, cigarette butt tastingest joint you could imagine out of them, paper and all. It was terrible and demeaning. The goal was apparently winning by not getting sick, passing out, dropping it, doing or saying something stupid, or otherwise disqualifying yourself. And what did you win? Respect. And Glory!
*edit* Oh right, I forgot the most relevant and important part; better than the glory, was winning the title of Royalroacho, which was where the name came from. It's a title to not really be worn with pride, just less shame...