I'm currently toking on 3 different stains. Flash Sonic, Purple AK, and Thunder Dragon.
Having active ms and ra, all help a lot with The Thunder Dragon from the Wiz (Aunt Mossy) is best!

Hey automan, I also have MS and all the dragons have served me VERY WELL with the MS... I remember a long while back Mossy told me to focus on the strains with Affy in it, she's so right something affy always makes me feel better ;) :rofl: who am I kidding? All canna makes me feel good ;)
Smoking on some Blue Widow from the dispensery, also got some Sour OG in trippy stick
Some auto critical trim oil Hop digity
I'm hitting some bho made from pink ogre X critical jack hubby grew.
Nortehern light af from rqs and af lemon haze iceolator