Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

I got a few tricks I want to try out inside this 2 x 4 the little lady's will be here today I am so happy to get started. Are you guys?

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It's party time..[emoji322] [emoji323] [emoji324] [emoji573]
@Ripper I said I'd tag when it's time.. It's time.!

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So guys I'm ready to plant seeds. Do u think I should let them soak first . I will be planting right into plants forever home. And they are going in straight dirt with a plastic cup over them. Room is at 72 degrees 50 rh. Sorry this is such a newbie question.
Just don't want any problems.

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I will be going with distilled water I find it better for me I don't want to leave water out and do all the stuff with pumps and such.

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Update if 5 cups is a pound of kind soil I think 7 and a half should be fine in a 2 gallon pot. So with the being said I filled each pot with 7 and a half cups.

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So that's 6 2 gallon pots. I also put 1 pound of kind soil in 3 1 gallon pots. That's 9 plants all together.!! I know what your saying. To many plants well if some fail I hopefully have a few left.

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Had this in my notes from another thread on kind soil, i forget who posted it.

" Recommendations on the website are for a photo. For an auto he recomends 1.5 pounds unless you have a long term auto then I would go 2 pounds"

"From what I understand (as Pete said) that an auto flower should not need more than 1.5 to 2 pounds most would be 1.5 pounds per plant.. My next grow will be 2 gallon pots with 1 pound but I am growing 7.5 week sprout to harvest plants.."

Everything you are talking about doing sounds right on track man.
I think your grow is gonna turn out great:pop:
I'm crossing my fingers on both hands. Now as far as planting the seeds. Should I just pop them in the soil and water then put. Plastic cups on top. And thanks for sending luck my way.

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