Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

I'm crossing my fingers on both hands. Now as far as planting the seeds. Should I just pop them in the soil and water then put. Plastic cups on top. And thanks for sending luck my way.

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That would work fine.

To speed up the process a little you can soak them in a cup of water overnight before planting in soil. I never leave the seeds in the cup any longer than 24hr.

Or put them inside of a wet papertowel on a paperplate and when you see a taproot start to poke out plant them.

Just be careful with the seeds once you get them wet, especially when you can see the taproot.
Wear gloves or make sure your hands are very clean and try not to touch the taproot.

Plastic cups/humidty domes are a good idea.
Will do thanks you for taking the time out to help me out

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The seeds will soak for about 12 hours


Kind soil mixed with roots organic soil waiting for company.

Temps and rh
Will do thanks you for taking the time out to help me out

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No problem man.

You could even try all those of those methods and see which one you prefer or works best for you.
That way you can do it again next time.

If i can check on the seed every few hours i prefer to put it in the cup of water until it sinks or overnight then move it to a wet papertowel.

I really don't like to leave them in a cup of water anymore than 24hrs.

When i can see a taproot plant it about a half inch deep with the taproot going down.
I'm really sorry for being a pain. Did some research and forgot everything once I for my seeds in my hand but the question is would it be wise to water the pots tonight before I put kids in tomorrow just so if I over water it will not be that bad. I'm guessing?

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Yes i would fully saturate the soil before planting.

Loosen up the top of the soil a bit and evenly water all around until you get a little run off from the bottom of the pot.

Before you water pick up your pots so you can feel the difference between a watered and unwatered pot.
This way you will get a feel for when you need to water again.

Becareful not to water too much, especially seedlings.
You should be ok misting seedlings lightly once a day for about the first few week if you water your pots till a little runoff before planting.

After that you can feel when to water by picking up your pots or by sticking your finger in the first few inches.

Water every 2-4 days once they are established.

Always glad to help:goodluck:
So the girls are now in their resting spots. Nothing else to be done. Really I'm forgetting about maybe this maybe that. What's done is done. Wish me luck. That's are on 24 hours for now. Thanks you to everyone that took the time out to help me. Hopefully this is not the message

Temps @77
Rh @51

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And where are your run off trays?
I understand and also agree. I just feel better knowing I have better odds of getting a few. I could of waited did a few then a few more but I am so tired of waiting If they all pop ill get more room. Slipped my mind thanks getting those asap

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