Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

I always nik the sides of the seeds to get them to germ faster. The fastest I've ever germed one was 6 hours. I had plenty of seeds to spare though if I messed up. Thankfully I never did but when they germ, make sure the tap root is facing down when you plant them in the soil. It will be very crowded in there. I would have started with 2 or 3 to get a feel for it, but that's your choice and we will be here to help along the way!
They are in the soil as of tonight. I guess we will find out how lucky I am. If I'm very lucky ill get more space. I hope this stays up forever so I can always go back to it later. You guys are just so helpful. I really learn a lot.

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It will take a few days for any sign of life since you're doing it that way. Now it's just the waiting game bro. You'll do just fine.
I think I just jumped the gun by not waiting but o well.

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And aren't yours all auto fems?
I think I just jumped the gun by not waiting but o well.

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I have 100% germ rate watch all of yours pop.. Then what you going to do?
Yes they are.

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In the mean time get drip trays very soon if you don't already have them.

What are your plans if your tent does get overcrowded, do you have another tent and light or a place with natural light ?

I have 4 in a 5' X 5' area and it's very crowded, but I also do room grows under 1000W HID so it's apples and oranges....
