Indoor Vapo Grows.........3Bears OG

No REALLY under-equipped here...I think budder and brownies is going to be my best shot!
I think QWET would be your best bet for a tincture. As long as you don't want to vape it it is easy to make. Just take your bud or trim put in a mason jar and put it in the freezer. Get the highest proof ethanol you can get 151 rum etc. and put it in the freezer 24 hours then mix the two shake well put back in the freezer for 3 minutes and strain through a coffee filter into a pyrex dish and place in a warm spot outside where there is good air circulation not in the sun. You might want to cover with some panty hose to keep bugs and dirt out. Let it evaporate down to the consistency you want. Take sublingual and start with a small dose as this can get quite strong depending on your starting material.

Oops I forgot to mention you need to decarb your bud or trim first. Put in oven roasting bag (stealthy) not deeper than 1 inch. Preheat oven and pan (pyrex baking dish) to 240°F place in oven for 30 minutes.
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Nice one mate that is copied down.....just one question... "sublingual"....under the tongue.....right?:crying:
Lovin the pics of your 3BOG! She must be quite sweet, musky, kushy funk by now. Incidentally, her characteristics blend quite well in canna ginger snaps. When your ready, hit me up!
will do...:toke:..y'know.....I can get her when im close up, just like you said...sweet and musky.:dancer:...but otherwise i can just smell weed...:woohoo:...i have alot of fresh air runnin thru the room she is in...and it kind of sweeps it away....but up close!!!....really complex smells.....cant wait no more..:crying:.she be comin down tomorrow!!!
SHE IS DOWN........she breached, she grew, she fell, she stinks!!...:crying: only kidding....she smells beautiful...some pics:bow::bow:

sorry bout the pics haha...........sticky fingers!!:vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe: