Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

Happy birthday, babies!
7 days old for the two survivors.
Celebrating with some sun bathing!

Auto White Widow Max
20160810 Guerrilla Outdoor - Seedling - Auto White Widow Max.jpg

Auto AK47
20160810 Guerrilla Outdoor - Seedling - Auto AK47.jpg
One thing to be careful of is black pots and the sun. You can indeed overheat soil by really hot weather in dark pots.

Before my plants are in the ground I introduce them to sunlight, giving them 2 hours sun, 15 minutes of hard shade(corner of building, but the plant is just barely on the inside of the shade line), repeat. I do this technique for a few days starting at day 6. They will be ready for fulltime sun by day 9.

Good luck with your grow!
One thing to be careful of is black pots and the sun. You can indeed overheat soil by really hot weather in dark pots.

Before my plants are in the ground I introduce them to sunlight, giving them 2 hours sun, 15 minutes of hard shade(corner of building, but the plant is just barely on the inside of the shade line), repeat. I do this technique for a few days starting at day 6. They will be ready for fulltime sun by day 9.

Good luck with your grow!
That's similar to what I'm doing right now.
Due to the building, I have to move them like 4+ times a time.
Even the shade areas get some nice ambient light.

Good point about the black pots.
My seedling pots are the usual adobe brown color and these white ones.
But will keep in mind for the larger pots for transplant to maturation.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
That's similar to what I'm doing right now.
Due to the building, I have to move them like 4+ times a time.
Even the shade areas get some nice ambient light.

Good point about the black pots.
My seedling pots are the usual adobe brown color and these white ones.
But will keep in mind for the larger pots for transplant to maturation.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Ive started dozens of strains using that method successfully(I am mostly a photo grower but got into autos 3 years ago). You should check out my outdoor journal, as I think there is some very sound information regarding outdoor auto growing. Seems like we have a very different climate(45th cannada here), but there still should be some good info in there for you.
Rainy, cloudy day. Have them at the window with a little light above.
WWM and AK47 starting to push out the second set of true leaves.
The recently sown additions--Auto Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights--germinating well.

Already getting the itch to buy more seeds!!!
Because I'm still kicking myself for what I did to the last batch................
Day 7 (from sprout, I think...)

Auto AK47
(Looking not too bad..., about 5cm = 2" tall)
20160812 Guerrilla ~ Auto AK47.jpg

White Widow Max
(Those leaves are a bit unusual, long and leggy lady..., about 8cm = 3"+ tall)
20160812 Guerrilla ~ Auto White Widow Max.jpg

Day 1 (from sprout, for these ones...)

Auto Cheese -- 2 of them!
(Just popped up!)
20160812 Guerrilla ~ Auto Cheese (1).jpg

20160812 Guerrilla ~ Auto Cheese (2).jpg

Northern Lights (Reg) -- 2 of them, maybe more on the way!
(Can't go wrong with good old NL, can you? M/F -- let's see!)
20160812 Guerrilla ~ Northern Lights (Reg) (1).jpg

20160812 Guerrilla ~ Northern Lights (Reg) (2).jpg

Great White Shark (Fem)
(Hmmm... not much action there, folks, not sure what's going on....)
After the initial problems, the two original survivors are doing nicely, along with the freebies which have come to save the day!
Here is what the whole group look like, sitting in the dawn's rays:
20160815 Outdoor Guerrilla (1) A-AK47 x1, A-WWM x1, A-Ch x2, GWS(f) x3, NL(r) x4.jpg

Front and center in the larger pots are the A-AK47 and the A-White Widow Max,
Back and center in the larger pots are the two A-Cheese,
Three in a row on the left are three Great White Sharks (fem) (yes, the shark fin of the top one is just breaking the surface of the water),
Three in a row on the right, and single top left, are four (out of five) Northern Lights (reg) (top left is barely there, but alive!)

For the original two,
Day 10 (from sprout)

20160815 Outdoor Guerrilla (2) A-AK47.jpg

Auto AK47
Third set of true leaves just coming up now.

20160815 Outdoor Guerrilla (3) A-WWM.jpg

Auto White Widow Max
Slightly smaller than the AK47, but also just showing third set of true leaves.

For the new freebies,
Day 4 (from sprout)

20160815 Outdoor Guerrilla (4) A-Ch.jpg

Auto Cheese (x2)
Doing really quite nicely at just a couple of days out of the soil.
There were just 2 seeds, so 2/2 = 100%

20160815 Outdoor Guerrilla (6) GWS(fem).jpg

Great White Shark (fem)
Not an Auto, in various stages from very nice, to okay, to just out of the ground!
There were three seeds, so 3/3 = 100%

And... my old fave,
20160815 Outdoor Guerrilla (5) NL(reg).jpg

Northern Lights (reg)
In varying stages, from very nice to bare alive.
Originally 5 seeds, so 4/5 = 100%
Maybe I'll get a little boy or two (Maria likes boys!), and we can do some match making when they get mature enough!

20160815 Outdoor Guerrilla (7) Sweet Basil.jpg

Sweet Basil!
Because what would fine marijuana be like without some pasta and homemade pesto?!
I'm going to do some purple Basil too, and maybe some nice mint and lemon mint.

Glad to see that the freebies from MSNL came through in the end,
but still sad for my poor Sour Diesels and White LSDs, not a single survivor!

And the weather forecast for the next few days is sunny, so they're going to get lots of light.
Getting ready to move the first batch into larger pots soon,
and revising my guerrilla sites because I now have fewer plants to consider.

All comments and advice greatly appreciated! <3

Love and hugs,
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After the initial problems, the two original survivors are doing nicely, along with the freebies which have come to save the day!
Here is what the whole group look like, sitting in the dawn's rays:
View attachment 616938

Front and center in the larger pots are the A-AK47 and the A-White Widow Max,
Back and center in the larger pots are the two A-Cheese,
Three in a row on the left are three Great White Sharks (fem) (yes, the shark fin of the top one is just breaking the surface of the water),
Three in a row on the right, and single top left, are four (out of five) Northern Lights (reg) (top left is barely there, but alive!)

For the original two,
Day 10 (from sprout)

View attachment 616937
Auto AK47
Third set of true leaves just coming up now.

View attachment 616936
Auto White Widow Max
Slightly smaller than the AK47, but also just showing third set of true leaves.

For the new freebies,
Day 4 (from sprout)

View attachment 616935

Auto Cheese (x2)
Doing really quite nicely at just a couple of days out of the soil.
There were just 2 seeds, so 2/2 = 100%

View attachment 616933
Great White Shark (fem)
Not an Auto, in various stages from very nice, to okay, to just out of the ground!
There were three seeds, so 3/3 = 100%

And... my old fave,
View attachment 616934
Northern Lights (reg)
In varying stages, from very nice to bare alive.
Originally 5 seeds, so 4/5 = 100%
Maybe I'll get a little boy or two (Maria likes boys!), and we can do some match making when they get mature enough!

View attachment 616932
Sweet Basil!
Because what would fine marijuana be like without some pasta and homemade pesto?!
I'm going to do some purple Basil too, and maybe some nice mint and lemon mint.

Glad to see that the freebies from MSNL came through in the end,
but still sad for my poor Sour Diesels and White LSDs, not a single survivor!

And the weather forecast for the next few days is sunny, so they're going to get lots of light.
Getting ready to move the first batch into larger pots soon,
and revising my guerrilla sites because I now have fewer plants to consider.

All comments and advice greatly appreciated! <3

Love and hugs,
The baby's sprout, good luck with your grow.
cu tobe