Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

What a roller coaster ride of a season, sheesh. Normally I would dream of subtropical conditions for a garden (and herb of course) but now I'm not so sure. Glad you got some harvest in the jar, Maria. Northern Lights (Auto) was a favorite among my test groups this year too.
What a roller coaster ride of a season, sheesh. Normally I would dream of subtropical conditions for a garden (and herb of course) but now I'm not so sure. Glad you got some harvest in the jar, Maria. Northern Lights (Auto) was a favorite among my test groups this year too.

Thanks for your thoughts, @arcticjake !
If you really are up in the arctic, I can see why you'd like the idea of sub-tropical location, haha!
Hell, it's early January, middle of winter, temperature now is 18 C, up to about 24 C later this afternoon.

But, we have some bad ass tropical storms here.
Call them hurricanes, or cyclones, or typhoons, or monsoon -- it's a sh!t load of water and break old trees kind of wind.

My jars are within hands' reach -- AK47, a little Widow, some Cheese, and the best is the NL on the whole.

All the best for your next gro, bro!

Love and hugs,